Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell": Week 2 - Day 3...

After the first week of ROTK I added another ladder of to make it four ladders with three rungs.

Heavy Day:

I used the 32kg bells

Double Snatch into Press:
1x1 1 rep
1x2 2 reps
1x3 3 reps plus 5 squats

I did the above 4 times

I finished with:

Deadlifts - 32kg bells - 2x20

12 double snatches
24 double presses
20 double squats
40 deadlifts

96 reps @ 64kg per rep = 13,516 total lbs lifted

Definitely a commitment to snatch/press & Squat with 64kg at once!

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