Thursday, June 25, 2009

Variety Day - "Return of the Kettlebell" - 5x5...

Variety Day - "Return of the Kettlebell" - 5x5...

I kept it simple this morning on variety day during "Return of the Kettlebell".

My training looked like this:

One Arm Incline KB Press - 40kg bell - 25 reps per arm
Upright Row - 40kg bell - 25 reps
Pull Ups - 25 reps


  1. Rob,

    Thanks for the energy drink tip. I found Cytosport's Fast Twitch RTD has 1g of Carbs. It really helped. I was able to shoot through an intense workout after taking yesterday off. Here was my heavy day:

    Superset #1
    10 Goblet Squats/10 Swings
    9 Goblet Squats/9 Swings
    8 Goblet Squats/8 Swings
    ...down to...
    1 Gobelt Squat/1 Swing
    Resting where needed, but try with no breaks. It's a killer!

    Superset #2
    Burpee/Pushup to a Dbl Clean then Dbl Military Press into a Dbl Overhead Lunge (each side).
    That's one rep.
    Complete 4 sets of 5 reps or totaling 20 reps.
    I rested 45 seconds between each set.

    Set #3
    VWC: 15:15 MVO2 Protocol
    7 Snatches in 15 sec. followed with 15 sec. rest
    24 rounds (12 minutes total time)

    The FRS energy you promote has 37g of carbs. This one drink would exceed the daily allowance of 25g per day. Do you use it?


  2. Cool. Great workout!

    FRS has a low carb (2g) version.
