Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" Week 7 - Day 2 - Long Cycle C & J...

My training looked like this:

I added another ladder to make it 5 ladders.

"Medium" Day

I used the 24kg bells

Clean before each jerk:
set of 2
set of 4
set of 6

I did the above 5 times

60 cleans @ 48kg
60 jerks @ 48kg

12,673 lbs lifted - which is up from 10,137 lbs lifted last time....20% increase! I was sweating bullets and feeling it.

1 comment:

  1. Rob,
    First off...very impressed with you snatching two 32kg KBs before your presses! How do you feel about the "off-set" weight snatches prior to pressing. I just read ROTK and plan on starting but feel a bit concerned on the tourque placed on the low back with a 32 and 16kg bell being snatched and the possibility of rotation that can be placed upon the core.

    I've been following you blogs and man you are "killing it!" I hope I can do the same. Talk soon

