Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" Week 7 - Day 3 - Long Cycle C & J...A Bump In The Road

I ran into a bump in the road during my training this morning. I riped a huge callous off my right hand below my pinkie finger during my first ladder. All the torque of the 32's from the long cycle must have been really wearing on my hands. I put a band-aid on it wrapped it with duct tape. I made it through three ladders but was losing my concentration during the jerks and felt my form deteriorating. I did't want to tweak my back just it make it through one workout.

So, reluctantly....I wrapped it up - left the gym - and went home.

My training looked like this:

"Heavy" Day

I used the 24kg bells

Clean before each jerk:
set of 2
set of 4
set of 6

I did the above 3 times

36 cleans @ 64kg
36 jerks @ 64kg

10,138 lbs lifted

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