Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Got the Clubbell!

I got my 15lb clubbell and Rif was right...it is a lot heavier than I could imagine. Feels like the 24kg bell the first time I picked it up and tried to snatch it. I played around with it for a while and tried:
  • Arm Cast
  • Shoulder Cast
  • The Barbarian
  • Gama Cast
  • Pendulum
  • Swings

I also spent some time trying to so some Mills. This was by far the hardest exercise I tried and felt very uncoordinated. This is going to take some time with the bell to get my coordination down. My forearms, wrists and hands felt the torque even after 10 -15 minutes of work. I will keep it up and hopefully I make some progress!


  1. all those moves are great, I really like the arm casts, shields, mills and swipes(although my back doesnt like those lately).
    I also like two handed swipes done between the legs with the 25ler/have fun man and go slowly.

  2. The leverage factor adds a lot of resistance to the clubs. Have fun with them, make sure to watch for your head when doing mills. I've knocked myself a few times upside the head doing those.

  3. Mark and Boris,

    I need to take it slow! I also may need to get a 10lb club as I think the 15lber is too much for me right now. My shoulders, tris, forearms and hands are fried from last night. Thanks for the advice. I will try to listen as best as possible. I plan on doing a bit more tonight.


    Can I do swipes with just one bell or is it really a two club move?

