Monday, August 10, 2009

No Training & The Downside of Antibiotics!

I am wiped from the antibiotics to clear up my infected molar in front of the wisdom tooth. Crazy that medicine to make you better makes you feel like crap but that is a topic for another day. I am done with the medicine on Wednesday and may have to put off training until then. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow. Oh well - I have not taken multiple days in a row off in a long while. My body probably needs it.

When I feel better I plan on starting up with a 500 swing workout (20x25) just because. I got to talking about swings with my wife Fabiana and realized that swings are the first exercises you learn when starting kettlebell training and then the longer you have been training the less you do them. I have been obviously concentrating on snatches over the last 9 months (35,000 of them!) but plan on working swings in as well to keep my training simple.

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