Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Shot" Training....

Today I threw around the 12lb "Shot" for a bit. My legs are fried from the 100 swings with the 48kg bell yesterday. I find the "shot" a great way to get the blood flowing as an active rest and to mix up my training. It is a nice change of pace from the kettlebells in the same vain as I think the clubbell will be. Check it out by following the link at the top of my blog to the tactical athlete.

I did 2 sets of 10 reps of the following:

Slingshots (both direction)
Deck Squats
Squats with Hot Potato
Lunges with Hot Potato
Lunges with Figure 8 into High Toss
Hot Potato
Russian Twist
Get Up Sit Up
Low Toss
High Toss
Knee Ups

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