Thursday, August 6, 2009

Viking warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 15 Sets of 8, Rotational Floor Press & Other Stuff...

My legs were fried from yesterdays EDT training so I only did 15 sets of MVo2 and the did some other training.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. Then I did some rotational floor presses that I got from Greg Mihovich's DVD "Iron Beast Conditioning". You can check out his products at

My training looked like this:

Snatch - 16kg bell - 15 sets of 8 - 120 reps
Rotational Floor Press - 24kg bells - 25 reps each arm
Upright Rows - 32kg bell - 25 reps
Hanging Leg Raises - 25 reps

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