Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Waiting on my Clubbell!

I have been wanting to incorporate something new into my training and decided to give the clubbell a try. I ordered it today from and am trying to get more info on them. Below is a great post from Rif with a link to a great article that links the same physics responsible for kettlebells tremendous success in helping achieve athletic progress to clubbells. Thanks Rif!

Got this from Rif's Blog:

"While perusing Scott Sonnons RMax site for info about my soon to be delivered clubbells I found this very interesting article on the physics of circular or pendulum swings and how increasing the speed of a circular motion dramatically increases the torque,force AND the work involved. If one substitutes 'kettlebell' for 'clubbell' in the article you end up with the same thing I have been saying for a long time: increasing the speed of the swing or snatch via compensatory acceleration dramatically(exponentially) increases the forces involved in the movement.This is the essence of the RKC Hardstyle methods.Now the clubbell is much longer than the kb but the same physics should apply.Those who scoffed at Kenneth Jays force plate data need to read this carefully. Can't wait for the clubbells to come, they should be very fun"


  1. Waiting?????? What happened to same day shipping?


  2. Killing me! We miss you guys. Hope you are having fun!
