Friday, September 4, 2009

Great Clubbell Video From Scott Sonnon..

"In addition to the superior muscle gain and fat burn, there’s another unique feature to swinging a Clubbell. It has to do with getting to your greatest strength. But how does a Clubbell do that? You can hold more than you can lift, and you can yield (or brake) more than you can hold. So, if you’re only lifting weight, you’re only never tapping into your greatest strength reserves.

Instead of performing conventional short range “negatives” and “iso-holds” - the Clubbell elicits a continual negative with no rest position. Even the “order position” is an isometric hold building the biceps and traps. Swung, the Clubbell must be accelerated by your piston-like action of your legs, while braking with the strength of your core and torso. It’s the best of all worlds for tapping into your potential and giving you fast, full results

Combining the “time under tension” superiority of swinging weight, with the virtue of tapping into concentric (lifting), isometric (holding) AND eccentric (yielding) strengths, my 18 Minute Abs and Arms Workout will absolutely give you chiseled arms, shoulders and abs! Implement this workout 1-2 times per week for 3 weeks."

Check out the video here:

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