Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kettlebell Triples....

My training looked like this today:

Goblet Squats - 40kg - 3x3 - 9 reps
One Arm Rows - 48kg bell - 3x3 each arm
Double Deadlifts - 40kg bells - 3x3 - 9 reps
One Arm Incline Press - 36kg bell - 3x3 - 9 reps
Upright Row - 40kg bell - 3x3 - 9 reps
Pullovers - 36kg bell - 3x3 - 9 reps
My training schedule going forward should look like this:
Monday - Heavy Day (Triples,5x5,etc)
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - Clubbells (Trial By Fire, Freestyle, etc)
Thursday - Off
Friday - Flow Yoga
Saturday - EDT (Kettlebells, Clubbells, Bodyweight, Etc)
Sunday - Kettlebell Viking Warrior Conditioning (MVo2)
That way I get:
  • 1 heavy/low rep strength day
  • 2 off days
  • 1 day metabolic conditioning with clubbells (Trial By Fire)
  • 1 day if yoga
  • 1 day of EDT (stength/strength endurance combo)
  • 1 day of metabolic conditioning with kettlebells (MVo2)
Seems like a good plan. Any feedback would be appreciated.


  1. Hi Rob,
    Home with DD - he is sick.
    I finally had time o check this out after a long time.
    Looks great.
    I like the map of who visit the site.
    As for this workout routine, I like the concept very much and the way you lay out the points of the workout. 2 days to rest- I almost don't believe you. I am sending a soy to the gym.
    The Heavy, cardi, and flexibility.
    I will take this on after baseball ends. I may take the club bell slow (shouldr) and do another heavy KB day.


  2. Yah, I am trying to mix it up. Heavy, High Reps, Days off, Yoga, etc. Seems like a good plan.
