Saturday, October 10, 2009

EDT - Kettlebells & Clubbells...

My training looked like this:

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Incline KB Press - 24kg bells - 90 reps
High Pull - 24kg bells - 90 reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes:
Two-handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 70  reps
One-handed Swipes - 25lb clubbell - 70 reps

I finished with:

One-Handed Mills  - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps
Two-handed Hammer Swings - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps

The 15lb clubbell felt like a feather afer 140 reps with the 25lb clubbell in 10 minutes. This workout kicked my ass big time!

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