Sunday, November 8, 2009

Clubbell "Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning"...

I used the 45lb clubbell this morning and increased my total reps from 90 last time to 144 by going from 3x5 to 3x8.

My training looked like this:
Front Swing - 3x8- 24 reps
Clean to Order - 3x8 - 24 reps
Front Pendulum Lunge - 3x8 each leg - 24 reps each leg
Barbarian - (Gama Cast to Flag Position) - 3x8 -24 reps
Whack a Mole - (Gama Cast into Flat Foot Squat in Order Position) - 3x8 - 24 reps
I finished with:
Brusier Clubbell Front Swing - 50 reps
Kettlebell Snatches - 16kg - 50 reps


  1. hey rob

    just a q re vik conditioning.

    i did it for the first time the other day and did

    24kg 15/15 for 80 sets at 4 reps per cycle.

    do you think its an ok idea to go to 32kg now at say 2 reps per 15 sec?

    or just work with the 24 at 5 reps per 15 sec. trying to get 80 sets?

    and then eventually trying to get 9 reps at 24kg per 15sec? (which seems a bit undoable!)

    thanks for your input and great blog as usual


  2. Jon,

    I have nver done VWC with a kettlebell beyond 20kg. I believe it was created for strength-endurance and not pure strength but I assume you could modify it.

    Have you completed the 80 sets of 8with the 16kg bell? Have you tried sets of 9 or considered moving on to the 36:36?

    Have you run through the 5 minute test to see what your cadence is for the 24kg bell? If so then try it with the 32kg bell and go from there.

    Let me know how it works out and thanks for the kind words!


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