Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kettlebells - 6 Years And Counting....

I got to thinking today that at 40 years old I feel the best that I have ever felt (physically and mentally) in my life. I think I owe a lot of it to kettlebells!

 It was about 6 years ago last month that I bought my first kettlebell after seeing an ad in Muscle Media 2000. My wife was just about to give birth to our triplets and I know getting to the gym on a regular basis would be an even tougher task than it already was with one child who was 5 at the time.

Little did I know that the one decision to buy that single 16kg kettlebell would have such and pronounced affect on my thoughts about training. Since then I have become certified from various places in kettlebell lifting (RKC, AOS & AKC) and got my wife Fabiana hooked as well! She and I became RKC's this April and she is currently training local clients at an rapidly increasing pace.

I started this blog about 3 years ago as a way to track my training and it has morphed into a great way to share ideas with like minded individuals. The kettlebell, clubbell and "alternative" training community has been a great place to spur my growth physically and mentally as it relates to training and nutrition.

My life was changed forever when I found out I was going from one child to four - in one pregnancy but I think also having the kettlebell enter my life at the same time made the process easier to tackle and also more enjoyable.

I think that any other girevik would agree!

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