Friday, December 4, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 80 Sets of 8...

I felt really strong this morning after eating about 1/4 gallon of Creamsicle ice cream last night. I have been pretty strict for the last three weeks eating more of a 40% protein, 40% carb & 20% fat diet instead of my modified low carb diet and needed to curb by sweet tooth. I think the change in my diet has helped my strength significantly and positively effected my body composition.

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the forth time today in the 15:15 protocol. I plan on doing more of this as I get closer to my goal of 50,000 total snatches. As of today I am at 40,640!

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 80 sets of 8 in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 640 reps

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