Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Snatches: 70 sets of 8

After 3 days off it was nice to get back to training. I would have got 80 sets but was pressed for time.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 70 sets of 8 in 34 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 70 sets of 8 -560 reps

Snatch total - 47,950 + 560 = 48, 510

The leaderboard had me at 48k before today but I want to be fair so I took the lower number.


  1. nice work man, snatches are still off the table for me for awhile but it looks like you will get your 50k VERY soon. well done!

  2. Thanks man. Goal is Feb 3rd but depends on how I feel. I probably gained 5 lbs this weekend! I love VWC. Once you get in rythem .....you can just go. Stay heathy.
