Friday, April 30, 2010

Overhead Squats & Sumo Deadlift High-pull/Push Jerks

1. Overhead Squats
3 x 3 reps across - 75#

2. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: 20:41
Sumo Deadlift Hgh-pull (75#)
Push Jerk (75#)
I finished with:
Single Unders - 500 reps
Knees To Elbows - 50 reps

I did this on my own @ Gold's Ashland. I am planning on taking tomorrow OFF from training and hope to go to CFNE Sunday morning.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jump Rope & Knees To Elbows...

My training looked like this:

Jumping Rope (single unders) - 20x50 - 1000 reps
Knees to Elbows - 20x5 - 100 reps

I alturnated each exercise. I am going to start doing this for time once a week and see how fast I can complete it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Deadlift & Barbell Complex...

1. Deadlift
3 x 3 reps across - 275#

Reps should be "strength style" - stop at the bottom of each rep, no bouncing, no dropping.

2. BB Complex
For time: 4:41
10 Thrusters (75)
15 Power Cleans
20 Deadlifts

Set up one bar and rip through this complex once. Scale weights as needed, but use the same weight for all three movements.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jerks & Modified "Harry"...

1. Jerks
10 x 3 reps across - 115#

2. Modified "Harry"
3 rounds for time: 8:37
35 Single Unders
20 TRX Push ups
15 Knee to Elbows

Monday, April 26, 2010

Back Squat & 2K Row...

1. Back Squat
3 x 3 reps across - 165#

I really worked on getting the crease of my thighs below my knees. Now I just need to increase the lbs each time!

2. 2K Row
Row 2,000 meters as fast as possible.
8:17 - That sucked!

Clubbell Training...

My training looked like this:

50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Easy Day...

My legs are still sore from Friday's CFNE leg blitz. Crazy that bodyweight training can create that much DOMS.

My training looked like this:

Deadlift - 135lbs - 25 reps
Push-Ups - 50 reps
Hammer Swings - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps
Hammer Throws - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps

I finished with: Single Unders - 250 reps

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day Off...

No training today. Back at it tomorrow.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bench & Leg Blitz...

1. Bench Press
3 x 3 reps across - 215lbs

2. MainSite 100419
3 rounds for time of: 10:04
Walking lunge, 100 ft
50 Squats
25 Back extensions

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bodyweight & Clubbell Training...

My left shoulder and right elbow are still bothering me. I hope to make it to CFNE tomorrow but needed to work through the pain today and get some blood flowing.

My training looked like this:

Uneven Pull Ups (one-handed) - 50 reps
Dips - 50 reps
Clubbell Mills - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps

I finished with: Jump Rope (single unders) - 10x50 - 500 reps

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Clubbell Training...

I am still sore from "Cindy" on Monday. DOMS is no joke. I felt great yesterday morning but got tighter and more sore as the day went by. Doing 300 push-ups instead of 200 smoked my chest and arms. Today felt good to loosen up everything and continue the healing process.

My training looked like this:

50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell

I finished with: Jumping Rope (single unders) - 5x50 - 250 reps

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Paleo Diet and Crossfit: A Match Made in Heaven?

I started my journey with the Paelo Diet 15 days ago and wanted to share my thoughts. It has been a great change of pace for me as I have been following the Anabolic Diet (low carb Monday- Friday...High Carb Saturday and Sunday) for about five years. My diet did not include hardly any fruits and vegetables and was punctuated with alot of junk on the weekends. This worked for me (weight wise as I lost almost 40 pounds) and made life easy on the weekends but I don't know how "healthy" it was for me internally.

I have felt great over the last two weeks and have not cheated once. Furthermore I have not really been tempted to cheat. "Cheating" for me now consists of having a few handfuls of raisins and some whey protein powder after I work out. I am focused on improving my recovery time after training so I can improve my strength and strength-endurance during my training.

Below is a good interview on The Paelo Diet and Crossfit. I hope you find in informative.

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training as I am banged up from the last four days. I plan on doing some light clubbell work and maybe jump rope tomorrow.

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Team Cindy"

40 Rounds for time of: 43:56
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats

One team member works while the other rests. Each athlete must finish one full round of "Cindy" before switching. Each team member must complete 20 Rounds.
Chandler gave it 100% and it was a great workout this morning. I love the atmosphere and people @ Crossfit New England. Everyone is very encouraging and helpful.
Finally...I had a WTF moment as I was about to leave to go home. I glanced at the board and realized that I was doing 15 push-ups every round instead of 10. The push-ups were killing me after about 15 rounds and now I know why. I did an extra 100 push-ups!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

“Deadlift Terribleness”, TRX Training & Jumping Rope...

Complete as many reps as possible in 3 sets of Deadlifts. After each set strip the bar and reload with the appropriate weight. I completed AMRAP with 225#, then rest as needed, reset the bar with 135# and again complete AMRAP Deads, rest as needed, reset the bar with 95# and again complete AMRAP Deadlifts.

225# x 8 reps
135# x 22 reps
95#  x 32 reps

This was not for time. Go for max reps and rest as needed between sets. Reps should be touch and go. No stopping, no bouncing. You may rest at the top, but resting at the bottom terminates the set.

Then I did:

TRX Chest Press - 30 reps
TRX Plank (knees to elbows) - 30 reps
Hanging Pike (toes to hands) - 50 reps

I finished with:  Jumping Rope (single unders) - 20x50 - 1000 reps

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Clubbell Training...

My training looked like this:

50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell
I love using the lighter clubbells as an active recovery. They are a nice change of pace from the other training I have been doing.

Friday, April 16, 2010

That Sucked Big Time!

1. Jerk
Work up to a new 1-rep Max - 155lbs

2. Partner Challenge
Teams of 2 complete AMRAP 20 of:
12 KB Swings (53)
Run 50 meters
6 Burpees
Run 50 meters

My partner Alex started first and completed 5 rounds and I completed 4 was a killer!!!

One athlete works while the other rest. Athlete one will complete the entire circuit, then tag athlete two who will complete the entire cicuit...That is one round. Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Few Days Off...

I am taking the next couple of days off from training to rest my elbow. I am hoping the tendinitis calms down.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bench Triples & "Overhead Squat-athon"...

1. Bench Press
3 x 3 across : 225x2, 205x3, 205x3

2. "Overhead Squat-athon"
100 overhead squats for time (dowel)
2 second rest @ bottom - 1 set of 100 - rest in overhead position
I plan on taking the next few days off from training because I am traveling for work and I need to rest my elbow. The muscle ups aggravated my tendinitis. I could use the rest anyway.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Weighted Pull Ups & "Schlitz"...

1. Weighted Pull ups
3 x 3 across - 32kg Kettlebell

2. "Schlitz"
4 rounds for time of: 19:48
400 meter Run
4 Muscle Ups
30 Double Unders
Got my 1st Muscle Up on my 1st attempt! Nice.
I need to work on my double unders. I have not jumped rope in years.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Deadlift Singles, Kettlebell, Clubbell & TRX Training......

My training looked like this:

Deadlift - 275x1, 315x1, 365x1(PR)
50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell
10 Farmers Walks - 150 ft each - 32kg bells

I finished with: TRX Plank (knees to elbows) - 50 reps

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kettlebell & Clubbell Training...

After the hard training I have done lately I wanted to do some kettlebells swings and light clubbell work as an active recovery.

My training looked like this:

300 Kettlebell Swings - 24kg bell
50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell

Friday, April 9, 2010

Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

Not only is this a great metaphor for life in general, but it is also 100% TRUE.

Don’t cry over spilled milk… or any other dairy products, because you shouldn’t be ingesting it anyway.

Read on if you are interested in why: Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk!

Deadlifts & "Snakebite"...

1. Deadlift
3 x 5 reps across - 205lbs
Reps were "strength style" - stop at the bottom of each rep, no bouncing, no dropping.

2. "Snake Bite"
21-15-9 reps for time of: 15:29
Squat Snatch (45)
C2B Pull ups
That sucked! I really need to work on my form in the snatch and the kipping pull-ups. I plan on training with kettlebells tomorrow and am really looking forward to it!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

No Training & Paelo Diet Observations....

I am taking today off from training. I plan on doing Crossfit tomorrow and kettlebell work on Saturday. The Paelo Diet is going well so far. I feel good and have been pretty strict. I am anxious to see how it effects my performance and recovery.

The most glaring aspect of the diet was the fact that some foods (all the ones I was eating) make your blood too acidic. This causes your body to try and counteract the acidity by stripping muscle and bone from your body. Seriously?? Not Good. I have been doing this for at least 5 years by following the Anabolic Diet.

Oh well, experience is the result of learning from your actions and correcting them accordingly.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I need to rest my right arm for a few days to help the tendinitis in my elbow. So I decided to so some running and other exercises that avoid upper body work. I am not planning on training at all tomorrow.

Today I did "Michael" which is in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28 2005.

Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
3 rounds for time: 20:29 - PR 

The first time I did this workout it took me 21:50

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bench Press & "Kamakaze"...

1. Bench Press
3 x 5 reps across - 205lbs

2. "Kamakaze"
3 rounds for time of: 8:18
8 Deadlifts (185)
400 meter Run

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day One of The Paelo Diet, Clean and Jerks & "Grace"...

1. Clean and Jerk (65) - 3 x 2 reps.

These are to be performed as Squat Cleans and you may split jerk or push jerk. You can drop the weight from overhead, but do not rest between reps.

2. "Grace" - 30 Clean and Jerks for time (65): 5:17

Once again I just focused on form. The Jerks are hard for me as I have never really done them at all. I really want to get my form down before I can focus on improving my time and am trying not to get frustrated..

Today is day one of the Paelo far so good. I am going to try to be pretty strict for a month to see what results I can get combined with Crossfit and my Clubbell/Kettlebell training.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day Off Tomorrow and Day One of the Paelo Diet Monday...

No training tomorrow and Monday is Day One of the Paelo Diet. Should be interesting.

Kettlebell, Clubbell & TRX Training...

After the hard training I have done lately I wanted to do some light clubbell work as an active recovery.

My training looked like this:

50 Kettlebell Swings - 24kg bell
50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells) - 15lb clubbell
50 Mills Alternating (25 Right / 25 Left) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell

I finished with: TRX Plank (knees to elbows) - 50 reps

Friday, April 2, 2010

First Day @ Crossfit New England (CFNE) - Back Squats & "Nancy"...

Today was my first official workout @ Crossfit New England. I wanted to focus on form so I started extremely light. Time to leave my ego at the door. It was great to run outside for the first time in a long time.

1. Back Squat
3 x 5 reps across - 115lbs

2. "Nancy"
5 rounds for time of:
400 meter Run
15 Overhead Squats - Dowel
I finished in 15:14

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Last Day Of The Elements Course...

Last night I attended day three of the Elements Course @ Crossfit New England. We went over the

Push Press, Jerk, Kettlebell Swing & Overhead Squat.

Then we did a mini workout:

15 Push Presses
15 Overhead Squats
20 Kettlebell Swings
15 Jerks
20 Burpees

One round for time: 4:16


My training looked like this today:

Standing Barbell Press - 135lbs - 3x3 - 9 reps
One Arm Rows - 48kg bell - 3x3 each arm - 9 reps
Double Cleans - 32kg bells - 3x3 - 9 reps
One Arm Incline Press - 36kg bell - 3x3 each arm - 9 reps
Upright Row - 40kg bell - 3x3 - 9 reps