Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Deadlift & "Giving The Middle Finger To Gravity"...

1. Deadlift
7 sets of 1 rep - 315,325,335,345,355,295,295

I completed 7 sets of 1 rep. All seven reps were 80 - 105% of my1-rep Max.

2. "Giving The Middle Finger To Gravity"...
3 rounds for time of: 22:56 as Rx
600 meter Run
2 Rope Climbs (15')
15 Box Jumps, 24"

I wore a 20 lbs weight vest for the entire WOD and it was 86 degrees! That might have been the hardest workout I have ever done! The rope climbs and box jumps with the 20lb vest were a mental and physical commitment.

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