Friday, August 27, 2010

Tabata Hill Sprints & 120 L-Sit...

1. Tabata Hill Sprints
8 sets of :20 on :10 off at 12% Incline
9.9 MPH ...(had to grab front bar a few times last two rounds)

Set the treadmill at 12% incline and sprint for 20 seconds at the highest speed possible. Rest for 10 seconds by jumping your feet to the outside of the belt, and repeat for 8 working sets. Your score is the slowest speed (in mph) for any of the 8 sets.

2. 120 L-sit
1st attempt - (20 seconds), 2nd attempt (35 seconds), 3rd attempt (25 seconds)

Take as many sets as needed to complete 120 seconds of a perfect L-sit on parallettes. This is not for time, make them solid.

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