Friday, October 29, 2010

Clean Complex...

Clean Complex

6 sets of:
3 Position Clean + Push Press
3 Position Clean + Push Jerk
3 Position Clean + Split Jerk

Start at 50% of your 1RM Clean, and work up from there.

Got: 75#,85#,95#,105#,115# & 125#

The three positions are from the top down; 1 - High Hang, 2 - Above Knee, 3 - The Floor. After the clean from the floor do a push press. Then repeat the 3 pos clean and do a push jerk and then another 3 position clean plus a split jerk. This equals 1 set. Rest as needed and complete 5 more sets, climbing up in weight every set.

Also did 2 strict Muscle Ups before class.....sweet!

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