Tuesday, December 7, 2010

“Deadlift OTM” & “AMRAP 7 Goat”...

1. “Deadlift OTM”
10 rounds of:
Every Minute on the Minute Complete 2 Deadlifts.
275, 295, 305, 315, 325, 330, 335, 345, 350, 355

2. “AMRAP 7 Goat”
10 OH Squats (95)
10 Double Unders

4 Rounds - Got 7 rounds in the “AMRAP 15″ last time

“Goats” are weaknesses or movements that give you trouble. Next to training with Intensity, there is no faster way to improve your overall fitness (GPP) than fixing chinks in your armour. For the past 4 weeks we have been working AMRAP 15 Goat WODs. This week we are doing an AMRAP 7, and attempting to beat 1/2 your PR from the “AMRAP 15″

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