Sunday, January 2, 2011

Do Not Be A "Clock Whore"!

What is a "Clock Whore" you ask?

According to Hyperfit USA:

“Definition of a Clock Whore: Person who is so obsessed with beating the clock/others that they will prostitute themselves and sacrifice important and vital components of training such as range of motion, repetitions or other performance metrics for a “better” time.“

“These people actually miss the whole point of the training. The point of physical fitness training, from my perspective, is to improve oneself both physically and mentally, not necessarily in that order. The people who have taken the time clock or score beyond the extreme and compromised range of motion, number of repetitions, etcetera are doing so at the expense of the utility of the training. If someone judges their performance solely based on their status relative to others it reflects a distinct lack of self esteem. The idea of the style training is to develop self-esteem to increase capacities in many, many different modalities. A person who compromises training in order to beat others harms their self esteem. People know inherently when they are doing something wrong and there is a price to pay when they go against what they know is right.“

Read the whole post.

Today was a good test of working the movement (push press) instead of being a "Clock Whore".

The WOD was:

AMRAP 20 of:
10 Push Presses (115)
10 KB Swings (53)
10 Box Jumps, 24″

It was my first WOD in a week after time off and a vaction in Mexico with my family where I did not train AND did not eat clean. Mentally I wanted to have a good performance but needed to stay focused on what my motivation for training is in the first place..."to get more fit and efficient; not just have a better time"!

The PPs could have morphed into Push Jerks or worse but I need to remember "form and standards" before "time and total rounds"!

Just a good reminder that I will revisit from time to time.

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