Sunday, January 9, 2011

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Snatches: 25 sets of 8...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 25 sets of 8 in 12 minutes and 15 seconds.
Snatch - 16kg bell - 70 sets of 8 - 200 reps

I planned on doing at least 30 minutes (50 sets of 8) but it was my first time doing high rep snatches since August 21, 2010 and my hands are not ready for it. After about 5 minutes a callous on my right hand started to tear.

I stopped and did one ladder with the 20kg bell:

Snatch - L &R
1 x 3 3 reps

1 x 3 3 reps
1 x 4 4 reps
1 x 5 5 reps

15 reps each side - 30 total reps

230 reps today plus 55,212 = 55,442 total snatches to date


  1. Yes does.

    Although last time I was mainly doing just snatches. I am planning on doing Crossfit 3 times a week and snatches a few times a week so you should have no problem beating me!
