Sunday, February 6, 2011

"I See The Sun"!

For time:
10 Back Squats (155#  - 50% 1RM), 20 Push-ups
9 Back Squats, 18 Push-ups
8 Back Squats, 16 Push-ups
7 Back Squats, 14 Push-ups
6 Back Squats, 12 Push-ups
5 Back Squats, 10 Push-ups
4 Back Squats, 8 Push-ups
3 Back Squats, 6 Push-ups
2 Back Squats, 4 Push-ups
1 Back Squat, 2 Push-ups


At Globo Gym so used rack - no bumpers

(* Rx is weight from the ground, not a rack)

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