Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 2011 PRs...

Here is a list of my May 2011 PRs with an eye toward my ultimate 2011 goals. "Goals should be SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-stamped".

Pull Ups - 36 (3 rep PR)

Front Squat - 255# (10# PR)

Overhead Squat - 205#(10# PR)

L- Sit - 55 Seconds (15 second PR)

3 Rounds for time of:
8 Deadlifts (300)
400 meter Run - 8:41 Rx - (30 second PR)

“CrossFit Total Devastation”
Back Squat 135# Max Reps in 10 Minutes - 75 reps
5 Minute Rest
Shoulder Press 95# Max Reps in 10 Minutes - 50 reps
5 Minute Rest
Dead Lift 135# Max Reps in 10 Minutes - 107 reps - 75/50/107 - 232 reps - (7 Rep PR)

“MURPH” For Time:
•1 Mile Run
•100 pull ups
•200 Push ups
•300 squats
•1 mile run - 42:21 Rx - (1:34 PR)


  1. "goals and deadlines" that's training. otherwise one is just working out.

    nice stuff I know you will succeed.

  2. Thanks my friend. Success is the only option. I have not considered anything else!

    Ps - I am borrowing your quote!
