Friday, July 8, 2011

Density Training - Handstand Push Ups...

Today I did Density HSPUs: Complete Handstand Push Ups every 60 seconds then rest until the next minute begins and repeat. I did them on a 25# plate to make them more difficult and they were strict - no kipping.

Desnsity HSPUs - 13 sets of 3 - 39 reps


Follow this workout routine called 'Density Training' to dramatically improve your strength. Whether your goal is 20 straight pullups or even 100 pushups, use this straigthforward training method to reach your goals in a snap!

Accomplish more work in less time. Improve your weak areas with this time efficient, foolproof workout routine for upping your numbers and delivering rapid results. The strength and conditioning coach at Wake Forrest University, Coach Ethan Reeve, developed Density Training. He has had great success with many athletes using this program. Basically, you squeeze more and more volume into less and less time in your workout routines. Here is how it works:

Pick an exercise that you would like to improve. Exercises that require little or no set-up time work best, pull-ups, pushups or kettlebell snatches are all excellent choices. Simply double the volume of your goal repetitions. For example, if you want to be able to perform 20 straight pull-ups, double that number to 40. Perform 20 sets of 2 reps in 20 minutes. You must start each set at the top of each minute. When this set and rep scheme becomes easy, move onto the next level, which would be 3 reps every minute for 13 minutes, and so on and so on…. It should look like this over the weeks.

• 20 sets of 2 reps for 20 minutes
• 13 sets of 3 reps for 13 minutes
• 10 sets of 4 reps for ten minutes
• 8 sets of 5 reps 8 minutes
• 7 sets of 6 reps for 6 minutes
• 6 sets of 7 reps in 5 minutes
• 5 sets of 8 reps in 5 minutes
• 4 sets of 10 reps in 4 minutes
• 3 sets of 13 reps in 3 minutes

Eventually, you will be able to accomplish your desired goal of 20 repetitions. Do this routine only twice per week. You may however, use Density Training for two separate workout routines. Not only does Density Training accelerate your progress and improve your numbers, it allows you to carry out more work in less time. That is power.

I eventually was able to get over 20 Handstand Push Ups using this method. Have a plan - and work it. 


  1. Rob, what is the correlation between reps and time? For instance, in this example you use a goal of 20-reps (strict pull-ups), and then as your reps-per-set increases the time decreases. However, if I were to use this with a different rep scheme (a goal of, say, 15 HSPU's), is there a ratio I use to determine the scale of reps and time as I progress?

  2. Just increase the reps by 1 each step and shift the amount of time until (reps-per-minute)x(amount-of-minutes)=(target).

    So, if your target is 15, you want 2 reps every minute for 15 minutes. Then it's 3 reps every minute, and 30/3 is 10, so you'd work for 10 minutes.
    Then you'd want 4 reps every minute, and 30/4 is 7.5, which we might as well round up to 8.
