Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Run Like The Wind - 10 x 100 Meter Sprints"...

10 x 100 Meter Sprints

"Run Like The Wind"

Sprints. The most loved to be hated day. One of the most gloriously painful of all WODS 10 X 100m sprints. 1000 meters of all out bursts of quick energy. Every muscle firing. Lung burning heavy breathing 16-30 seconds of pure energy release. Days of soreness to follow. Not one piece of you is spared.

There is something freeing about just taking off and running as fast as you fucking can. More so are the other benefits.

Borrowed from CrossFit Nation
Benefits of Sprinting

1) Sprinting will reduce body fat and strengthen you far more than long, slow cardio because sprinting requires maximal recruitment of muscle. After about 8 seconds, sprinting sends acid signals to the muscles, which activates the fast twitch fibers. Fast-twitch fibers are thicker than slow twitch fibers, and it is fast twitch fibers that grow in size when activated by the right training.

2) Sprinting naturally increases human growth hormone. Human growth hormone increases muscle mass, thickens and adds flexibility to the skin, enhances the immune system, promotes weight loss through fat redistribution and loss, and increases stamina.

3) Sprinting strengthens your cardiovascular system with brief bursts of high intensity followed by long periods of recovery. You strengthen your skeletal muscles by doing heavy, low-repetition sets with long recoveries. You should strengthen your heart the same way. Sprinting doesn’t cause the continuous stress on the heart that long, slow cardio does.


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