Friday, September 30, 2011

Front Squat 5x3, 200M Bear Crawl & Double Under Practice

Strength: Front Squat 5x3
135 x 3
165 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 3
215 x 2

Buy Out: 200M Bear Crawl around building - 4:48

Skill Work: Double Under Practice

Thursday, September 29, 2011

“Lord of the Rings”...

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:

•Ring Dips

•Abmat Sit Ups

8:22 Rx

Buy Out: 5 x 100 m sprints on the minute:

1. 17 Seconds
2. 17 Seconds
3. 16 Seconds
4. 17 Seconds
5. 17 Seconds

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Deadlift 10x2 "On the Minute & Tabata Ropes...

Strength: Deadlift 10x2 - Resting 60 seconds between sets:

Buy Out: Tabata Ropes - 23

Monday, September 26, 2011

Garage Games Results - 9/24 & 9/25 @ CFNE

Below are the results from the Again Faster Garage Games – New England Firebreather Festival held at CrossFit New England on September 24 and 25.

Name Sex Division Total

1 Danielle Horan Female Rx 28

2 Amy Mandelbaum Female Rx 31

3 Erika Snyder Female Rx 36

4 Monica Lopes Female Rx 41

5 Sonia Cormier Female Rx 47

6 Tracy Coughlin Female Rx 49

6 Ali LeBlanc Female Rx 49

8 Ayn Toppin Female Rx 58

9 Stephanie McGuirk Female Rx 59

10 Bridget Waitkus Female Rx 60

11 Tracy Hutt Female Rx 67

12 Dawn Marie Angus Female Rx 70

12 Heather Arsenault Female Rx 70

14 Kristen Rego Female Rx 77

15 Kristi Lunny Female Rx 80

16 Kelsey McBride Female Rx 88

17 Jodie Cohen Female Rx 89

18 Brie Houghton Female Rx 91

18 Lisa Lemay Female Rx 91

20 Dawn Ditano Female Rx 92

21 Kassandra Aveni Female Rx 94

22 katie magee Female Rx 95

23 Sarah Mitzel Female Rx 97

24 Ashley Fors Female Rx 103

25 Ashleigh Gelinas Female Rx 107

26 Staci Ardison Female Rx 112

27 angela Przymusik Female Rx 113

28 Michelle Marshall Female Rx 127

29 Jennifer Kelm Female Rx 129

30 Helena Meirinho Female Rx 133

31 Jill Diorio Female Rx 137

32 Ashley Kosterman Female Rx 139

32 lauren carchidi Female Rx 139

34 Jaffney Roode Female Rx 148

35 Emily Giurleo Female Rx 151

36 Erica Gasbarro Female Rx 157

Name Sex Division Total

1 David Hamel Male Rx 46

2 Brendan Marolda Male Rx 58

3 Christopher Gosler Male Rx 73

4 john mcevoy Male Rx 77

5 jared monaco Male Rx 88

6 Mike Ciallella Male Rx 103

7 Brent Miffitt Male Rx 104

7 Pat Smulligan Male Rx 104

9 Will Huntington Male Rx 107

10 nick ray Male Rx 109

11 Tyler mcbride Male Rx 114

12 Bill Malcomb Male Rx 118

13 logan schecter Male Rx 121

14 Matt Prendergast Male Rx 122

15 Tony Piscillo Male Rx 123

16 Kevin Mullins Male Rx 126

17 Aaron Meredith Male Rx 129

18 Cameron emmott Male Rx 131

19 Ian Berger Male Rx 132

20 JP Wioncek Male Rx 146

20 Joe McGhee Male Rx 146

22 Leo Piro Male Rx 147

23 jason leydon Male Rx 149

23 Victor hamilton Male Rx 149

25 Nicholas normandin Male Rx 150

26 Bobby Wheeler Male Rx 157

27 Paul Teehan Male Rx 158

28 Aaron Landes Male Rx 164

29 Justin Shaughnessy Male Rx 166

30 Mark Urso Male Rx 167

30 Jake Knight Male Rx 167

32 Jason Caldas Male Rx 170

33 Patrick Bishop Male Rx 181

34 ben kelly Male Rx 195

35 tim flannery Male Rx 196

36 nathan kuffrey Male Rx 198

37 Austin Monteiro Male Rx 199

38 Bruce Ballard Male Rx 203

39 Jared Grinkis Male Rx 205

40 Michael Giorgio Male Rx 208

41 Joe Onorato Male Rx 214

42 Patrick Lyden Male Rx 227

43 Mark Lee Male Rx 229

44 Steve Raboin Male Rx 231

45 Larry Jones Male Rx 232

46 Kyle Rochefort Male Rx 234

47 Braden Monaco Male Rx 239

48 Zak Lord Male Rx 242

49 Roberto Gutierrez Male Rx 246

50 Christian Stahl Male Rx 251

50 Dave Crabbe Male Rx 251

52 Nick DeDonno Male Rx 256

53 Geoff Leard Male Rx 257

54 Drew Crandall Male Rx 260

55 mason white Male Rx 267

56 Mike Power Male Rx 281

57 Josh Plosker Male Rx 286

58 Jason Dionne Male Rx 288

59 Craig Brisebois Male Rx 293

60 Jared Jalbert Male Rx 294

61 Kevin Daigle Male Rx 297

62 Brian Stark Male Rx 300

63 Jahun Green Male Rx 306

64 AJ Pappas Male Rx 309

65 Sam Schwarz Male Rx 311

66 Robert Keefe Male Rx 312

67 Joe Kusnitz Male Rx 318

68 Bryce Boratko Male Rx 320

69 Marcus Wilson Male Rx 322

70 John Durocher Male Rx 323

71 James Cahill Male Rx 325

72 Jason sonners Male Rx 327

72 Timothy Smith Male Rx 327

74 Derrick Bell Male Rx 329

75 Phillip Dudley Male Rx 334

76 Gary Rawdon Male Rx 339

77 Mike Penta Male Rx 343

78 Eric Brisebois Male Rx 345

79 Joseph Gagne Male Rx 351

80 bryon beckwith Male Rx 353

80 Justin Kabilian Male Rx 353

82 Matthew Monahan Male Rx 356

83 William Davidian Male Rx 357

84 nate euvrard Male Rx 364

85 matt dolce Male Rx 365

86 Cade Kittrell Male Rx 367

87 Luis Santiago Male Rx 377

88 Geno Gasbarro Male Rx 380

89 Scott Smith Male Rx 384

90 Gregory Scott Male Rx 387

90 Eric Rapisarda Male Rx 387

92 Scott Lacerra Male Rx 388

93 John Doole Male Rx 393

94 john surabian Male Rx 404

95 Michael Haakenstad Male Rx 413

96 Cole gibson Male Rx 423

97 Peter Ostashen Male Rx 430

98 Keith Brown Male Rx 433

99 Michael Ferguson Male Rx 447

100 Brian Boyson Male Rx 463

101 Will Nystrom Male Rx 476

Name Sex Division Total

1 Morgan Klein Female Scaled 10

2 Adrienne Sprague Female Scaled 19

3 Stacy Desmarais Female Scaled 27

4 Sara McEvoy Female Scaled 33

5 Kristen Merlin Female Scaled 34

6 Christina Morris Female Scaled 38

7 Courtney Shegos Female Scaled 41

7 Kathleen Hayward Female Scaled 41

9 Katri Toikka Female Scaled 45

10 Danielle Riley Female Scaled 49

11 Lauren OLeary Female Scaled 70

12 Taury Miller Female Scaled 71

13 Cal Sheedy Female Scaled 75

14 Dana Carsillo Female Scaled 77

15 amanda mclaughlin Female Scaled 82

16 Deanna Navaroli Female Scaled 83

17 Kathy Langen Female Scaled 87

18 Katie Falkowski Female Scaled 92

19 Amanda DeMeo Female Scaled 93

20 Adrianne Loria Female Scaled 95

21 Sarah Piccioli Female Scaled 104

22 Nina Fanning Female Scaled 107

23 Chriki Jones Female Scaled 110

23 Suzarra Durocher Female Scaled 110

25 julie ambrosino Female Scaled 116

25 Sara Curry Female Scaled 116

27 Danielle Prestejohn Female Scaled 117

28 Kristen Colvin Female Scaled 125

29 Megan Marchese Female Scaled 128

30 Joanne Salomon Female Scaled 131

31 Dilsia Kennedy Female Scaled 135

32 Kelly Bailey Female Scaled 143

33 Sarah McGuire Female Scaled 153

34 CHERYL DEMILO Female Scaled 156

Name Sex Division Total

1 nick battaglia Male Scaled 15

2 Glen Schleehauf Male Scaled 19

3 Jack Daly Male Scaled 28

4 Kevin Sager Male Scaled 31

5 Seth Page Male Scaled 32

6 charles jones Male Scaled 38

7 Thom Miller Male Scaled 52

8 Fred Callori Male Scaled 55

9 David Conner Male Scaled 60

10 Owen thurston Male Scaled 70

11 Tom Leard Male Scaled 74

12 Rob Stephenson Male Scaled 75

13 Lil Tony Franquiz Male Scaled 78

14 James Schortemeyer Male Scaled 84

14 Tim Santye Male Scaled 84

16 Gregory Cain Male Scaled 85

17 Benjamin Sacchetti Male Scaled 89

18 Chris Lee Male Scaled 93

19 Joe Shamon Male Scaled 95

20 Tyler Hopkins Male Scaled 97

21 Scott Paltos Male Scaled 104

22 Rob O Brien Male Scaled 105

23 Stephen Fiorentino Male Scaled 107

24 Mario Melendez Male Scaled 108

25 Jay Werra Male Scaled 115

26 Joseph Marchese Male Scaled 118

27 Jake Baker Male Scaled 126

27 Doug Bell Male Scaled 126

29 Ryan Palmer Male Scaled 127

29 Wayne White Male Scaled 127

31 James Higgins Male Scaled 130

32 Arik Pogrebinsky Male Scaled 133

33 Sean Curry Male Scaled 144

34 James Saunders Male Scaled 155

35 Scott Rumrill Male Scaled 159

36 John McCarthy Male Scaled 172

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Max L-Sit & "Death by Ten Meters"...

Max PR: L-Sit - 57 seconds (1 second PR)

"Death By 10 Meters"

Two cones will be set up 10 meters apart from one another- the 1st min. you will run 1 10 meter, the 2nd min. you will run 2 10 meters (from 1st cone to 2nd cone and back) and so forth until you cannot complete the appropriate 10 meters in the alloted time.

23 rounds plus 220 M (Previous PR was 18)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

“The Hilly Kettlebell Lark”...

1 Round for time of:

16 Double Kettlebell Cleans (20kg)
600 meter Run (hilly)

6:48 Rx

I just wanted to string some cleans and a run together. The run is up a steep hill, down to the bottom and back up and over again. That hill blows!

Monday, September 19, 2011

"Power Up"...

5 rounds of:

5 Power Cleans (115)

3 Toes-Thru-Rings

1 Muscle Up

Not for time. Work on form for Garage Games.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

New England Firebreather Festival - Final Results


1. “The Lark”
3 Rounds for time of:
16 Power Cleans (115)
600 meter Run - 16:28

2. “OHS/MU”
A. Establish a 1 rep max Overhead Squat in 3 minutes - 85#
B. Complete as many reps as possible of Pull ups in 3 minutes - 53

1 point will be awarded for every pound on the OHS and 5 points will be awarded for every muscle up completed. Your score is the total of both.

3. “Floater”
30 meter Prowler Push
30 meter Sprint
5/4 Very High Box Jumps
30 meter Sprint
30 meter Prowler Push
48.7 seconds


4. “Row/Sandbag”
5 Rounds for time of:
Descending Row (500-400-300-200-100 meters)
15 Push ups
100 meter Sandbag Carry
Descending Single Unders (100-80-60-40-20)
19:35 - Just beat 20:00 cap!

5. ”The Chipper”
20 Toes through Rings
30 Thrusters (65)
40 Burpees to Target
50 Box Jumps (20)
9:35 - Just beat 10:00 cap!

All athletes will complete these 5 workouts.

This kicked my ass but it put my perceived level of fitness in perspective. I have A LOT to work on!

"Fight Gone Bad"...

3 Rounds of 1 minute at each station: 1 Min rest between rounds.

Total reps for score

• Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps) (20): 11-5-4=20
• Sumo deadlift high-pull, (Reps) (75): 18-15-18=51

• Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps): 37-25-26=88
• Push-press, (Reps) (75, 50): 24-15-15=54
• Row (Calories): 10-9-10=29
Total Reps: 10-69-73= 242 Rx

Started with Box Jumps. Wall Ball destroyed me! Especially after doing "Rowing Upside-Down Helen" this morning.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Rowing Upside Down Helen"

3 Rounds for time of:

400M Row

21 Kettlebell Swings (53)

12 Handstand Push Ups

12:13 Rx

Friday, September 16, 2011

CrossFit Total

Back Squat, 1-rep max - 275# (40# less than PR...ouch!)

Shoulder Press, 1-rep max - 165# (5# PR)

Deadlift, 1-rep max - 420# (5# PR)

Total: 860# @ 158lbs BW

Pumped about the Deadlift PR. It was VERY ugly but I will take it. Pissed about the Squat but I just wasn't feeling it today. I got the 275# on the first attempt and failed at 320#. Should have backed off but my ego would not let me. Lesson learned! I will take the PRs and not dwell on the negative.

Monday, September 12, 2011


3 rounds for time:

•Run 400 meters

•21 KB swings (53)

•12 Pull-ups

10:06 Rx (14 second PR)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


9 Rounds of:

11 Ring Push Ups

11 Back Extensions

11 Box Jumps (20)

With 20# Vest

14:27 Rx - "All reps unbroken"

Saturday, September 10, 2011

“MURPH with 20# Vest"

•1 Mile Run

•100 pull ups

•200 Push ups

•300 Squats

•1 mile run

58:32 (with 20# Vest) - Pull Ups & Push Ups unbroken

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

A warship bearing the name of the Medal of Honor recipient was christened Saturday May 7th, 2011 — on what would have been Murphy's 35th birthday — at Bath Iron Works, where the destroyer is being built.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


15-10-5 of:

Toes-to-Bar Deadlifts @ BW (155)

Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups

Push Up

8:27 Rx

(Toes-to-Bar Deadlifts are 1 Deadlift then 1 Toes-to-Bar)

Monday, September 5, 2011


21-15-9 reps for time of:

Deadlifts (225)

Handstand Push ups

8:31 Rx - First time Rx

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Run Like The Wind - 10 x 100 Meter Sprints"...

10 x 100 Meter Sprints

"Run Like The Wind"

Sprints. The most loved to be hated day. One of the most gloriously painful of all WODS 10 X 100m sprints. 1000 meters of all out bursts of quick energy. Every muscle firing. Lung burning heavy breathing 16-30 seconds of pure energy release. Days of soreness to follow. Not one piece of you is spared.

There is something freeing about just taking off and running as fast as you fucking can. More so are the other benefits.

Borrowed from CrossFit Nation
Benefits of Sprinting

1) Sprinting will reduce body fat and strengthen you far more than long, slow cardio because sprinting requires maximal recruitment of muscle. After about 8 seconds, sprinting sends acid signals to the muscles, which activates the fast twitch fibers. Fast-twitch fibers are thicker than slow twitch fibers, and it is fast twitch fibers that grow in size when activated by the right training.

2) Sprinting naturally increases human growth hormone. Human growth hormone increases muscle mass, thickens and adds flexibility to the skin, enhances the immune system, promotes weight loss through fat redistribution and loss, and increases stamina.

3) Sprinting strengthens your cardiovascular system with brief bursts of high intensity followed by long periods of recovery. You strengthen your skeletal muscles by doing heavy, low-repetition sets with long recoveries. You should strengthen your heart the same way. Sprinting doesn’t cause the continuous stress on the heart that long, slow cardio does.

Friday, September 2, 2011

"On The Rocks"...


12 Deadlifts (185)

12 Push Ups

12 Calorie Row

5 Rounds + 31 reps