Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Muscle Ups for time...

30 Muscle Ups for Time: 9:51 (Strict)
3:17 PR!

Pumped - after doing "Murph" yesterday!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nutrition Challenge Results...

I recently took part in a 9 week nutrition challenge at my box - Crossfit Synergistics - in Ashland, Ma.

If you want to make huge changes in your body composition, blood work and over health and well being. Try being 100% strict for 30 - 60 days. In the past I cheated here and there and didn't think it made much of a difference but it definitely does. You just need to ask yourself - "Will this chocolate, wine, beer, etc help me reach my goals"? If you would rather have the indulgence then please enjoy. My wife is a lot less strict than I am. That is her choice. Do what works for you but don't beat yourself up over it.

My total Cholesterol dropped from 230 to 194.
My Glucose dropped from 111 to 87.

I followed mostly a Paleo diet but did have Peanut Butter, Brown Rice Pasta and Brown Rice. I drank as much water as possible on a daily basis and tried to eat as much vegatables as I could. I also ate a fair amount of fruit -  especially raisins post WOD. I also TRIED to get 8+ hours of sleep a night.

In addition to my blood work improving I had 12 PR's during the 9 weeks of the challenge including:

- 91 Consecutive Strict Push Ups (20 rep PR)
- 425# Deadlift (10# PR)
- Michael 20:44 (2:49 PR)
- 106# Strict Pull Up (18# PR)

My weight when from 161 to 158 but my bodyfat when from 10% to about 8%. While getting stronger and faster.


For Time:

•1 Mile Run

•100 pull ups

•200 Push ups

•300 squats

•1 mile run

45:46 Rx  (42:21 Rx is PR)

Felt pretty good after 6 days off from training on vacation in Aruba. I WILL break 40 minutes soon!
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

A warship bearing the name of the Medal of Honor recipient was christened Saturday May 7th, 2011 — on what would have been Murphy's 35th birthday — at Bath Iron Works, where the destroyer is being built.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Helen" ...

3 rounds for time:

•Run 400 meters

•21 KB swings (53)

•12 Pull-ups

10:36 Rx (30 second SLOWER than PR)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Solar Eclipse"...

For time:

10 Double KB Front Squats (53#), 20 Push-ups

9 Double KB Front Squats , 18 Push-ups

8 Double KB Front Squats , 16 Push-ups

7 Double KB Front Squats , 14 Push-ups

6 Double KB Front Squats , 12 Push-ups

5 Double KB Front Squats , 10 Push-ups

4 Double KB Front Squats , 8 Push-ups

3 Double KB Front Squats , 6 Push-ups

2 Double KB Front Squats , 4 Push-ups

1 Double KB Front Squats , 2 Push-ups

13:37 Rx

Saturday, November 19, 2011


For Time Complete

400 Meter Run

18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 Handstand Push Ups

Run 400 Meters Between Each HSPU interval

18:34 Rx

Friday, November 18, 2011

"Dead Hang Nicole"


  • 400M Run

  • Dead Hang Chin Ups

16-11-11-10-10-9 = 67

6 Round & 67 Chin Ups

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Deadlift 3-3-3 & "Time Warp"...

Deadlift 3, 3, 3 - 315#, 365#, 415# (F)

“Time Warp”
• 4 HSPU
• 8 Squats

10 rounds + 2 reps

Cash Out: 1 minute Abmat Sit Ups - 38

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bench Press & Weighted Strict Pull Ups...

Strength: Bench Press  (3-3-3): 205-215-225 (2)

Alternate with

Weighted Strict Pull Ups (3-3-3): 70-79-88

Also got Strict Pull Up with 106#!

Finish with max set of Push Ups & Pull Ups:

Push Ups - 61
Strict Pull Ups - 15 

Cash out: 2:00 min double under max - 23

Monday, November 14, 2011

"Kettlebell Volkswagon"

21-15-9 of:

Double Kettlebell Floor Press (53)

Double Kettlebell Swings (44)

3:51 Rx

Sunday, November 13, 2011

“Kettlebell Total Devastation” ...

Double KB Front Squat 53# Max Reps in 10 Minutes - 53 reps

5 Minute Rest

Double KB Shoulder Press 35# Max Reps in 10 Minutes - 85 reps

5 Minute Rest

Double KB Dead Lift 53# Max Reps in 10 Minutes - 105 reps

53/85/105 - 232 reps - I feel like I just did Fran!

“CrossFit Total Devastation” is a variation of the “CrossFit Total”. The “CrossFit Total” focuses on a 1 rep max effort on each movement. The variation which is named the “CrossFit Total Devastation” focuses on max amount of reps in 10 minutes with a 5 minute rest in between efforts. This variation will turn a Strength Movement into a Met Con. If you desire to work more on Strength than Met Con just increase the load which in turn will shorten the reps. I just substituted Kettlebells for Barbells thus "Kettlebell Total Devastation".

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Max Rep Front Squats @ Bodyweight & "Ball of Fire"...

Max Rep Front Squats @ BW (155) - 14 (1 rep PR)

"Ball of Fire"

25 GHDs
1 Muscle Up
20 GHDs
2 Muscle Ups
15 GHDs
3 Muscle Ups
10 GHDs
4 Muscle Ups
5 GHDs
 Muscle Ups

11:40 Rx

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Clubbell Training & Flutter Kicks...

I did 50 reps with the 15lb clubbell in each of the Trial By Fire exercises: Swipes, Mills and Hammer Swings.

My training looked like this:

50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells)

50 Mills Alternating (25 Clockwise/25 Counter-Clockwise)

50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise/25 Counter-Clockwise)

The I did:

50 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 25 Clockwise/25 Counter-Clockwise) - 15# Club

50 Sheild Cast (one-handed: 25 Left/25 Right) - 15# Club

50 Gama Cast (two-handed: 25 Clockwise/25 Counter-Clockwise) - 24# Club

I finished with: 25 Four-Count Flutter Kicks

Great article by Marty Gallagher that states - "The Clubbell is a patented strength training tool which combines modern technology with ancient science. Here is an ultra basic, elemental Clubbell workout that a true hardcore trainee can sink their teeth into - The Mill & The Swipe".

Check out the article in it's entirety -

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One Arm KB Press/Weighted Pull Ups & "Awe"...

Strength: 5, 5, 5
• One Arm Kettlebell Floor Press: 62 - 70 - 79
•Weighted Pull Ups: 44 - 53 - 70

Metcon: “Awe”
•12 Kettlebell Sumo deadlift High Pulls (SDLHP) (70)
•6 Ring Dips
8 rounds + 4 reps

Lefg still smoked from yesterdays 345# - 5x5 Deadlifts!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Deadlift 5x5 & Max Ring Dips...

Deadlift - 5x5 - 345# (10# PR)

Max Ring Dips - 22

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Max Pull Ups, Press 5-5-3-3-1-1 & Double Under Practice...

Max Pull Ups - 40 (4 rep PR)

Strength: Press 5-5-3-3-1-1 (Finish extra set for max reps with 5 rep load)


169 was a 1# PR!

Cash out: Double Under Practice

Thursday, November 3, 2011


3 Rounds (not for time)

10 Strict Pull Ups
10 Handstand Push Ups

rest one minute in between rounds

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bench Press, Weighted Pull Ups & “Flying High Again”

Strength: Bench Press alternated with weighted pull-ups  5, 5, 3, 3, 1

Bench Press: 185-195-205-215-235

Pull Up: 35-45-55-70-106(F)

Chin was parallel to bar on 106# but did not make it over the bar!

Metcon: “Flying High Again”


•20 double unders

•10 (5 R/L) Kettlebell Snatches (53)
3 rounds plus 4 reps (6 Consecutive Double Unders!)