Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nutrition Challenge Results...

I recently took part in a 9 week nutrition challenge at my box - Crossfit Synergistics - in Ashland, Ma.

If you want to make huge changes in your body composition, blood work and over health and well being. Try being 100% strict for 30 - 60 days. In the past I cheated here and there and didn't think it made much of a difference but it definitely does. You just need to ask yourself - "Will this chocolate, wine, beer, etc help me reach my goals"? If you would rather have the indulgence then please enjoy. My wife is a lot less strict than I am. That is her choice. Do what works for you but don't beat yourself up over it.

My total Cholesterol dropped from 230 to 194.
My Glucose dropped from 111 to 87.

I followed mostly a Paleo diet but did have Peanut Butter, Brown Rice Pasta and Brown Rice. I drank as much water as possible on a daily basis and tried to eat as much vegatables as I could. I also ate a fair amount of fruit -  especially raisins post WOD. I also TRIED to get 8+ hours of sleep a night.

In addition to my blood work improving I had 12 PR's during the 9 weeks of the challenge including:

- 91 Consecutive Strict Push Ups (20 rep PR)
- 425# Deadlift (10# PR)
- Michael 20:44 (2:49 PR)
- 106# Strict Pull Up (18# PR)

My weight when from 161 to 158 but my bodyfat when from 10% to about 8%. While getting stronger and faster.

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