Sunday, January 22, 2012

CrossFit Synergistics Team Throwdown - Third Place

There will be 4 Wods for opportunities for scoring. There will be more 2 heats in each WOD depending on number of total teams. Each WOD will render a team score, which will then be ranked amongst all competing teams. The best score will be awarded the most points and incrementally down. The ranked points from all 4 wods will be totaled for 1st , 2nd and 3rd place overall.

Team "Choose The Wrench"

WOD#1: “Dead Man Walking”

There will be heats. Each Team will be given 3 bars and 12 minutes for to establish each athletes 1 rep Max Deadlift.

SCORING: The team score will be the total of all 3 athletes 1 rep max in pounds. Each team will have 3 bars. 1 athlete from each team will be allowed to plate the deadlift as high as red 45′s.

STANDARDS: A judge is given the right to yell “DROP IT!” if your form sucks and you are a danger to your self. The rep or lift will not count and you can reclaim your position and continue.

Rob - 435# (10# PR)
Henry - 265#
Angela - 215# (her 1RM was 150# .....a week ago! She killed it!)

915# total - 1st place

WOD #2: “Trio Degenario”


10 Deadlifts

15 Hang Power Cleans

20 Ground to Overhead - I did power snatches

Each team will be given one bar with 65 lbs.

The team will designate one athlete to do Deadlifts, one athlete to do Hang Power Cleans and one athlete to do Ground to Overhead (via power snatch or power clean & jerk).

SCORING: Every round and rep counts

PENALTIES: The bar can not be passed to the next athlete until your reps are completed. The bar must be passed from one athlete to the next.

Athletes must not let the bar rest on the ground or the entire team must stop and may not re lift the load until all athletes have completed 5 burpees. The bar may touch and go on Deadlift and Ground to Overhead but cannot rest for re gripping and pausing.

STANDARDS: A judge is given the right to yell “DROP IT!” if your form sucks and you are a danger to your self. The rep or lift will not count and you can reclaim your position and continue.

Immediately following WOD #2: Trio Degenario AMRAP 12, as last athlete completes amrap 12 another athlete goes to the starting line on the 200m run and begins wod #3

5 rounds plus 12 reps - 7th place

WOD #3: “Run Forrest Run”

4 x 200 meter run

Athlete 1 runs 200m

Athlete 2 runs 200m

Athlete 3 runs 200m

Athlete 1,2,&3 runs 200m together

1 at a time each athlete will run 200 meters. After all three have completed a total of 600 meters the final 200 meters must be run by all 3 athletes and must cross the finish line holding hands.

2:44 - 3rd place

WOD #4: “How Bad Do You Want It?”

3000M Row
150 Hand Release Push Ups

Only two althlets can work at a time. Once both movements are completed you move to the final two movements:

150 Kettlebell Swings
150 Hurdle Jumps

Only two althlets can work at a time.

Forgot the time. 7th place.

Finished in 3rd Place. We were two points out of 1st place. If I had done 7 more snatches in WOD #2 we would have won. A painful reminder that "Every Rep Counts"!

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