Friday, February 3, 2012

Barbell Rollouts into Knee Hang Power Cleans & 3 Position Clean

Skill Work: Barbell Rollouts into Knee Hang Power Clean

35# x 3
65# x 3
85# x 3

Perform a barbell rollout into a hang power clean from the knees. It removes the legs from the equation and helps work the shrug into fast elbows.

Strength: 3 Position Clean

2 sets x 3 @ 115#
3 sets x 3 @ 155#

The 3 position clean is done from the top down. The first position is from the “high hang” and you dip drive. The second position is from above the knees in a static position, and the third position is form the floor or “mid shin” or floor. 1 pull from each position constitutes one set.

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