Monday, July 30, 2012

Max Reps Press/Push Press...

5 Rounds of:
Max reps Press (135) then Push Press (135)
Rest one minute in between rounds
1/4 (failed @ top of rep 5)
11/18 - 29 total reps
(Do as many reps as possible using a strict press then immediately perform as many push presses as possible. Rest one minute then repeat four more times. Your score is your total number of presses and push presses performed.)
“Physical strength is the most important thing in life. This is true whether we want it to be or not. As humanity has developed throughout history, physical strength has become less critical to our daily existence, but no less important to our lives. Our strength, more than any other thing we possess, still determinesthe quality and the quantity of our time here in these bodies. Whereas previously our physical strength determined how much food we ate and how warm and dry we stayed, it now merely determines how well we function in these new surroundings we have crafted for ourselves as our culture has accumulated. But we are still animals – our physical existence is, in the final analysis, the only one that actually matters. A weak man is not as happy as that same man would be if he were strong. This reality is offensive to some people who would like the intellectual or spiritual to take precedence. It is instructive to see what happens to these very people as their squat strength goes up.”
- Mark Rippetoe

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