Monday, October 22, 2012

CFNE Master’s Results


1Mike Noe432918
2Kevin Cronin188724
3John Dunlap1163626
4Eric Rap9631028
5LJ DiCarlo45101029
6Paul Piccioli15113130
7Greg Davis1166831
8THomas Freddell8881034
8Jack Daly3236234
10Rafael Martinez15413335
11Paul Brickley111013539
12Chris Neeb1110131650
13Mark Mechtenberg1110131751
14Chris Landry1013112559
15Mike Giorgio182341064
16Marcus Wilson43512868
17Matt Goodwin1818132069
18Rasheed Brown417292171
19Kevin Kittredge2115231473
20Bob Rinaldi312613474
21Joe Assencoa2723111475
22Dana Randolph2322211985
22Rob O’Brien233232785
24Dan Smith1534132587
24Mike Braatz2920211787
26Kevin Dushney2118342295
27Ilya Papok1827232896
28James Farnham27213223103
29Mike Fernando31232728109
30Pat Murphy23302334110
31Dave Parker29292331112
32Kirk Fougere31302923113
33Jack Siegel36142936115
34Sean Fielding31272831117
35Jim Bleakley23363433126
36Ken Sawyers35333335136

AMRAP 1: Thrusters (95, 65)

5 Pull Ups
10 Power Cleans (95,65) (85, 55)
15 Double Unders OR 50 Single Unders

Watch Video for Details….

In 2 Minutes:
Max Snatch Plus 3 Overhead Squats
6 Minute Up Ladder of:
Burpee Box Jump, 20″
Wall Ball (20)
Toes to Bar OR Abmat Sit Up

Watch Video For Detials…

Here are the final results from the Master's Competition on Saturday at CFNE. I did my best and have no regrets. My plan was to try to maximize my points in WODs 1 & 3 and do my best in WODs 2 & 4.

WOD:1 I finished with 21 thrusters in 1 minute. I was at 15 or 16 at 30 seconds and flames out from there. I was aiming for 25. Those 4 extra reps would have made a HUGE difference.

WOD 2: Because I lost my double unders I knew this one would kill my total score. I probably lost 1.5-2 rounds to the competitors who did double unders but knew this going in.  I got 3+5 when I tried it before the competition without the thrusters to start - so anything over that would have been sweet!. I finished with 2+38 and was in 30th place after two events.

WOD 3: I have been working on my snatch and thought this was my best chance to make up some ground. I warmed up with 135# and felt good. My PR is 165# (two weeks ago) so I used that as a gauge for where I wanted to be. I got 145# in about a minutes time and had one minute left. I decided to go for 165# and ended up getting final OHS with one second to go. 

WOD 4: I finished with 6 rounds plus 5 reps on the last WOD. Still near the back of the pack but I kept moving and chipped away at the reps. A few "no reps" on the wall balls as the beginning through me off a bit but they got better as I went along. 

Overall I am pleased with my performance. I know my weaknesses and and this competition only highlighted them but it was an awesome experience. 

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