Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2013 Training Goals...."Everybody Needs Them"!

The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them" - Jim Rohn

  • "Helen" - Sub 10 Minutes - 10:06 now
  • "Murph" - sub 40 minutes - 40:04 now
  • "Nicole" - 100+ Pull Ups - 98 now
  • 1000 CF Total - 917 now
  • 15 Consecutuve bodyweight OHS (155) - 11 now
  • 175lb Press - 169lb now
  • 1:10 L-Sit - 58 seconds now
  • 20 rep back squat 225lb - 205lb now
  • 20 rep deadlift 335lb - 315lb now
  • 200 Meter Run - 29 seconds - 34 seconds now
  • 200lb Snatch - 165lb snatch now (power)
  • 250lb Clean - 225lb now
  • 250lb OHS - 231lb now
  • 30 Consecutive HSPUs - 25 now
  • 30 Muscle Ups for time - Sub 5 minutes - 6:17 now
  • 300lb Bench Press - 250lb now
  • 300lb Front Squat - 275lb now
  • 400 Meter Run - 1 Minute Flat - 1:06 now
  • 400lb Back Squat - 327lb now
  • 50 Burpees - Under 2 Minutes - 2:19 now
  • 50 Consecutive Double Unders - 27 now
  • 50+ Consecutive Pull Ups - 40 now
  • 500lb Deadlift - 455lb now
  • 800 Meter Run - Sub 2:30 - 2:42 now
  • sub 1:35 - 500m row - 136.3 now
  • sub 4 minute "Fran" - 4:11 now
  • sub 6 Minute Mile - 6:39 now

These goals WHEN achieved with move me toward my main objective - to become as fit as I have ever been in my life.....at the age of 44.

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