Sunday, December 16, 2012

"Enter Sandman"...

3 Rope Climbs (15)

7 Power Cleans (115)

4 Shoulder to Overhead (115)

8 Box Jumps (24)

11 rounds + 8 reps with Mike Burnes.

 The sandbag runs sucked as I knew they would but that WOD was exactly what I needed to put my perception of my fitness lever in check. My metcon has a LONG way to go!

"A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul". - Jillian Michaels


  1. that's some serious shit right there.wish I could still run, enjoy it,even it's not fast enough for you.:)

  2. Running is a huge goat for me. Adding a 40# sandbag did not make it any easier. ;)
