Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Shoreline CrossFit Masters WOD #1"...

Ground-To-Overhead + "Tie Breaker" (Max Calories Row)

Men's Weights: 115-135-155-175-195-205-215-225-235-245-255-265-275-285-295

Rules: Once an athletes fails or completes the ladder they will rest the remainder of that minute, at the start of the next minute, there's a one minute max calorie row as a tie breaker. Each calorie is worth .01 points (for example 100.15).

Note: Athletes can have as many G2O attempts as possible within the minute. They can use any remaining time to sit and set up their rower.

Scoring System: each station is worth 10 points. We will give 1/2 credit (5 points ) for those hit the clean, but fail at the jerk portion. You will not receive credit for additional cleans.

Cleaned 195# but failed on Jerk.
25 Calories on the Row

(Pretty happy considering my training this week and skiing yesterday. Need to get to the 215# bar!)

Cash Out: 44 Birthday Burpees

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