Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"George Jefferson"...

15 Jefferson Deadlifts (185)

400M Run

15 Jefferson Deadlifts

400M Run

15 Jefferson Deadlifts

9:53 Rx

Cash Out: 30 Wall Squats

This was my first time doing the Jefferson Deadlift. It is very different and I spent the first two rounds of lifts working on position. I spent about 1:30 on each round. Last round unbroken in 35 seconds. Next time this will be faster!

Here is a description of the lift:

Jefferson Deadlift – “This lift is also known as the Straddle Deadlift. The rules of the Deadlift apply except that the bar will be lifted between the legs, with a leg on each side of the bar. The lifter may face any direction and feet placement is optional. One hand will grip the bar in front of the lifter while the other hand will grip the bar behind the lifter. The bar may touch the insides of either leg during the lift. The heels are allowed to rise as the bar is lifted, but the feet must not change position. The bar is allowed to change directions or rotate during the lift.”

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