Monday, July 1, 2013

2013 Nor'Easter Masters

The three main workouts count 18% each.  The three miniwods count 9% each. The finals for top 5 athletes in each division (all 3 for 60+ men and women) will count as 19% of your overall score.
WOD 1 Clean and Jerk Ladder Combined with Chest to Bar or Regular Pullups
C and J ladder AMRAP per minute
Ages 40-49: 95/135, 105/145, 115/155, 125/165, 130/175, 140/185, 145/195
The barbell ladder will alternate with Amrap chest-to-bar per minute for ages 40-49 and AMRAP regular pullups for ages 50 and up.
Each athlete will move from barbell #1 to pullup station #1 to barbell #2, to pullup station #2, etc. with a judge following along.
**You must do at least one rep of C and J in order to continue with the workout.  If you can’t do at least one rep, you can do 5 burpees in that minute, instead.  Once you have done burpees, you must do burpees for all subsequent barbell minutes.  You will get a 0 for all minutes you perform burpees for your C and J score but you can continue on in the workout.  If you run out of time and don’t get a C and J or 5 burpees in a minute, you will not be allowed to progress through the rest of the ladder in either C and J or pull-ups, and your score will be the reps you’ve gotten up to that point.
**You must do at least one rep of pull-ups each pullup minute, or you will have to stop at that minute. Your score will be the reps you’ve gotten to that point.
Barbells 1 and 2: Each C and J will count as 1 rep
Barbells 3 and 4: Each C and J will count as 2 reps
Barbells 5 and 6:  Each C and J will count as 3 reps
Barbell 7:  Each C and J will count as 4 reps
This means that as the weights increase, each rep counts more.
**Overall workout scoring**
67% C and J total reps (weighted amounts taken into account)
33% C2B/pullup total reps
WOD 2 SHUTTLE RUN PLUS  (9 min time cap)
Run 10 yards to OHS 45/35–barbells are there waiting.  Do 10 OHS (only 5 for ages 55-59 men, 60+ men and women)  Run back to start.
Run 10 yards, do 10 OHS (5 for 55-59 men and 60+ men and women) and run to 20 yard line.  Do 8 KB  swings (kb’s waiting there) and run back to start.
Run 10 yards, do 10 OHS (5 for 55-59 men and 60+ men and women) run to 20 yardline do 8 swings, run to 30 yard line where there will be DB’s for 8 DB snatches per arm, alternating sides.  Run back to start.
Run 10 yards, do 10 OHS (5 for 55-59 men and 60+ men and women), run to 20 yardline and do 8 swings, run to 30 yardline, do 8 snatches per arm, run to 40 yard line. and do 24 burpees and sprint back to start.
Weights and rep modifications:
KB 40-44  53/70
OHS 40-44 35/45
WOD 3  Deadlift/Toes to Bar/ Box Jumps  (Time cap: 15 minutes)
10, 9, 8…1 reps of:
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps
DL weights
ages 40-44 165/205
Box height 20/24 
Toes to bar:
ages 40-59: toes touch bar
1.  Prowler push plus 40 Double Unders x 4 (down and back twice) for time. Time cap: 5 min
2.  In 5 minutes row 750w/1000m and then do as many wallballs as you can in time remaining.  Wallballs are all to 10’.
40-44  20/14

3.  Amrap rope climbs in 3 minutes
40-49  16 feet

Overall I am very happy with my finish. Tied for 22nd. 

Highlights were:
* Two Clean & Jerks at 195# (last bar on ladder))
* 22 Wall Balls without dropping the ball after 500M Row 
* 8:23 time on WOD #3 (15th place)
* 7 Rope Climbs @ 16 feet in 3 minutes. (11th place)

Lack of double unders gave me a last place finish in that WOD but it was an awesome time!

(NOTE TO SELF: Work Double Unders!)

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