Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rehab WOD 1 - 100 pole squats...

100 pole squats (holding on to banister at home). Also did some pistols the same way! Something is ALWAYS better than nothing!


What is it: A squat performed whilst lightly holding a vertical pole (you can use part of a squat rack/pull-up rig for example.)

How to do it: Stand almost an arms length away from the pole with a shoulder width stance. Take hold of the pole with both and hands and sit back into the squat, using the pole to keep you upright and keep you from falling backwards.

Focus on: Maintaining a beautiful, upright, deep squat with perfect form. Create a little movement at the bottom, using the pole to stabilize you. Whilst keeping your feet planted, move your body a little in each direction before bringing your weight back to the center. If you find a particular tight spot, create further smaller movement around that area. Continue for 2-3 minutes. This will help to loosen up and create a better bottom position for the squat.

Advanced tip: Take less and less of a grip on the pole with each squat, until you are only using your fingertips on the pole to guide you into position.

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