Sunday, November 30, 2014


2 rounds for time:
29 squats
Run 200m
29 burpees
Run 200m
29 jumping lunges
Run 200m
29 push ups
Run 200m
26:55 Rx. I need to get my metcon back. 
In memory of 2.5 year old Rijn Erasmus who recently passed away. RIP Rijn.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

American Ninja Warrior 2015 ...

I just submitted my application for American Ninja Warrior. The waiting begins...

10K Row....

10k Row - 48:28.2

(36 seconds off PR)

Friday, November 28, 2014

EDT - Arms & Shoulders...

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Barbell Strict Press - 95 #- 63 reps
KB Crush Curls - 35#  - 63 reps

PR Two - 10 Minutes:
Parallel Dips - 65 reps (20 rep PR)
Reverse Curl - 45# - 65 reps

Thursday, November 27, 2014

"The Albany Crippler"...

10 Ground to OH (135) 

20 Strict HSPUs

30 C2B Pull Ups

40 Burpees

50 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

60 Double Unders

* after each movement you have to run the length of the gym and back (100 ft total) before going on to the next movement EXCEPT on the last one.

28:34 Rx 

Snatches, Strict HSPUs and Strict C2B Chin Ups. Doubles only took me 5 minutes (single-double). Very Happy!

(This took me 29:43 last time. I also subbed double KB snatch with 44# bells for Ground to Overhead. Double Unders took me 16 miutes....FUCK!)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

EDT - Chest & Back...

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Pendlay Row - 135# - 75 reps
Push Ups - 75 reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes
One-arm KB Row - 88# KB - 30 reps each arm
Diamond Push Ups - 30 reps

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Snatches & Strict HSPUs...

Worked on snatches and strict HSPUs. Got 145# twice. Baby steps. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

EDT - Arms & Shoulders...

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Barbell Strict Press - 85# - 45 reps
Barbell Curls - 85#  - 45 reps

PR Two - 10 Minutes:
Parallel Dips - 45 reps 
KB Iron Cross - 12kg bells - 45 reps

Cash Out: 21s - barbell curl - 45# 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

100 Hang Snatches..

I did 100 hang snatches NOT for time at 75#. Twenty sets of five. Felt great just to get under the bar

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

EDT - Chest & Back...

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Reverse Grip Pull Downs - 70# - 150 reps
Push Ups - 150 reps

PR of 10# and 40 reps on both movements 

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes
One-arm KB Row - 80# DB - 50 reps each arm
Diamond Push Ups - 50 reps

PR of 10# on rows and 20 reps (10 each arm) and 10 reps on push ups 

Pounds Lifted:
CU - 10500
PU - 24000
Rows - 8000
DPU - 8000
50,500 total pounds lifted (160# body weight)

36,200 last time

200 push ups
150 pull downs
100 dumbell rows 

450 reps in 25:00. Good times!

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Five rounds for time of:

95 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
95 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
95 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

9:57 - Rx was 155

* First attempt ever


In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

“Holy Diver”...

21 Hang Snatches (75)

800M Run

15 Hang Snatches

400M Run

9 Hang Snatches
200M Run

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Fenway Spartan Sprint...

Did the Spartnat Sprint today with my wife at Fenway Park. I was an awesome 3 miles course. Great time!

"Spartan Race at Fenway Park will be an experience you’ve never seen in the world of obstacle racing. For one day only, Spartans will have the chance to run a time trial through one of the most famous landmarks in the United States. Don’t miss out on your chance to be a part of history in more ways than one!

There are some staples in our repertoire. There are also some venue specific and terrain inspired obstacles. We will not, however, spell it out for you. We do not have course maps. Each Spartan Race strives to surprise the athlete. Preperation for the unknown is a must. 

There is fire, mud, water, barbed wire, and occasionally Hell on Earth. There WILL be obstacles to catch you off guard. Curve balls, so to speak. Get over it. 

We’re here to rip you from your comfort zone. If you need a road map for each step of the way, then maybe this race isn’t for you". 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

EDT - Arms & Shoulders...

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Barbell Strict Press - 75# - 72 reps
Barbell Curls - 75# - 72 reps

14 rep PR on both movements! 24% improvement. 

PR Two - 10 Minutes:
Bench Dips - 45# - 60 reps
KB Iron Cross - 8kg bells - 60 reps

15 rep PR on both movements! 33% improvement! 

Time to increase the weight and start again. 

Cash Out: 21s - barbell curl - 45# 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

EDT - Chest & Back....

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Reverse Grip Pull Downs - 60# - 110 reps
Push Ups - 110 reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes
One-arm KB Row - 70# DB - 40 reps each arm
Diamond Push Ups - 40 reps

Pounds Lifted:
CU - 6600
PU - 17600
Rows - 5600
DPU - 6400
36,200 total pounds lifted (160# body weight)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


7 Rounds:
11 Bodyweight Deadlifts (155)
100 Meter Sprint
11:29 Rx 

Deadlifts unbroken. "Sprints" were like a crawl. First time running in months.

RIP Staff Sgt. David "Sham" Wieger

Air Force Staff Sgt. David “Sham” Wieger, 28, of North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, a special agent for the Air Force of Special Investigations, Detachment 303, Travis Air Force Base, California, died Nov. 1, 2007, near Balad Air Base, Iraq, of wounds sustained from an improvised explosive device that struck his vehicle. Wieger is survived by his parents, Michael and Loreene; brother, Michael; sister-in-law, Brenda; and many aunts, uncles and cousins.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Just fooling around...

I decided to just screw around today at the gym. 

I did:

* 3 or 4 second handstand on kettlebells

* 48 second L-Sit on kettlebells

* worked on handstand holds (first time in a long time)

* got my first HSPU in over six months

Friday, November 7, 2014

EDT - Arms & Shoulders...

PR One - 15 Minutes:

Barbell Strict Press - 75# - 58 reps

Barbell Curls - 75# - 58 reps

PR Two - 10 Minutes:
Bench Dips - 45# - 45 reps
KB Iron Cross - 8kg bells - 45 reps

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

EDT - Chest & Back....

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Strict Chin Ups - 75 reps
Push Ups - 75 reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes
One-arm KB Row - 70# KB - 30 reps each arm
Diamond Push Ups - 30 reps

Pounds Lifted:

CU - 11200
PU - 11200
Rows - 4200
DPU - 4800
31,400 total pounds (160# body weight)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

EDT - Legs...

PR One - 15 minutes:
Deadlift - 135# - 70 reps 
Goblet Squat - 53# KB - 70 reps 

Rest 5 minutes 

PR Two - 10 minutes:
Russian KB Swings - 70# - 60 reps 
Kettlebell Sumo DL - 70# - 60 reps 

Pounds lifted:
DL - 9405
GS - 3710
KBS - 4200
SDL - 4200
21,560 total pounds 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Burpee Pull Overs & Dragon Flags...

Burpee Pull Over - perform a burpee under a bar one foot out of your reach, jump and catch the bar, do a pullover, finish the rep with arms locked out in support on top of the bar.

I did about 15 of them. Fun as hell but they smoke your upper body. 

Dragon Flags are performed by bracing hard on a bench or hard surface, while locking your arms in a fixed position. The legs are driven up as if you are performing a reverse crunch. From there, the lifter will lower themselves down not allowing any part of their body to touch the bench except for their upper back. This is an important form cue. This makes the exercise so much harder. The lifter lowers their body until it is right above the bench. The other important coaching cue is to make sure when the lifter raises back up, they do NOT bend at the waist, but rather raise their entire body as it was lowered, in a straight line.

I did a couple of these for about 30 secomnds each. I need to work on lowering my body close to the bench. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

“2011 CrossFit Games Event #3″…

5 Rope Climbs
5 Clean and jerk (75)
4 Rope Climbs
4 Clean and jerk (95)
3 Rope Climbs
3 Clean and jerk (115)
2 Rope Climbs
2 Clean and jerk (135)
1 Rope Climbs
1 Clean and jerk (145)

Rx was 145/165/185/205/225