Thursday, November 27, 2014

"The Albany Crippler"...

10 Ground to OH (135) 

20 Strict HSPUs

30 C2B Pull Ups

40 Burpees

50 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

60 Double Unders

* after each movement you have to run the length of the gym and back (100 ft total) before going on to the next movement EXCEPT on the last one.

28:34 Rx 

Snatches, Strict HSPUs and Strict C2B Chin Ups. Doubles only took me 5 minutes (single-double). Very Happy!

(This took me 29:43 last time. I also subbed double KB snatch with 44# bells for Ground to Overhead. Double Unders took me 16 miutes....FUCK!)

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