Monday, March 30, 2015

7 Rounds of 1 minute max meters rowed...

7 rounds of:
One minute: Max Row - Meters
One minute - rest 

1. 301
2. 268
3. 247
4. 245
5. 251
6. 257
7. 273

1842M total. 

That was brutal! 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Working Strict Muscle Ups...

No open for me this year as I recover from a torn pec. Was really worried that suffering a severe injury at age 46 would limit what I could do going forward. Being able to work on strict muscle ups today made my year. THIS is my CF Open.

Peary Rader Clean & Jerk Program - Week 8...

Warm-up sets:

2x10x150lbs with two-minute breaks in between each set.

Work set #1 1x12x200lbs
Work set #2 1x12x180lbs
Work set #3 1x20x150lbs 

* Set of 12 - 35lb KB Pull Overs - In between each set 

ZERO misses. HUGE mental victory solo in the box!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

2x2 BTNSGPP...

OTM: 10 
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Push Ups

100 Sledgehammer Swings (16)

BTN Snatch Grip Push Press
185 x 2
205 x 2
225 x 2

Friday, March 27, 2015

Loaded Carries...

400M Farmers Walk (2x53)
400M Slosh Pipe Carry (45)
400M Farmers Walk (2x53)

Cash Out: 200M Goblet Squat Carry (35)

NOT for time. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Snatch Grip High Pull...

Snatch Grip High Pull - 6x6 (120)
BTNSG Push Press - 6x6 (120)
Weighted Dips - 6x6 (70)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

50 Strict Pull Ups...

5 Strict Pull Ups OTM - 10 mibutes - 50 reps

Peary Rader Clean & Jerk Program - Week 7...

Warm-up sets:

2x10x145lbs with two-minute breaks in between each set.

Work set #1 1x12x195lbs
Work set #2 1x12x175lbs
Work set #3 1x20x145lbs 

* Set of 12 - 35lb KB Pull Overs - In between each set 

PUMPED to get through set of 195# without a miss after yesterday's 26.2 mile ruck! 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Carry The Fallen...

Yesterday - March 21st - I am participated in the Carry The Fallen Ruck-March event for Active Heroes, a 501c3 charity helping to reduce veteran suicide! I will be rucking the Boston Marathon route - 26.2 miles.
The "Ruck-March" is a long distance hiking event during which I have to carry a lot weight in a backpack showing respect for the emotional weight that United States Veterans are carrying during and after war. 22 veterans a day commit suicide and I am doing something about it by hiking in this amazing event!
 I met some amazing people - most doing something for people they have never met or will never meet. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done and helped keep things in perspective for me. So many people complain about the most trivial things in life while others are dealing with true despair.
Donations to my fundraising page go towards helping to build a Military Family Retreat Center that will offer programs for veterans and their family members to help curve the suicide rate, forge veteran community bonds, build camaraderie and boost moral. The retreat center is only 10% funded, so every dollar is needed to help make this huge project a reality. Learn more about the retreat here:
Please consider donating!

Friday, March 20, 2015

400m Farmers Walk/Clap Push Ups..

400M Farmers Walk (2x70 KB)
* perform one clapping push up every 20 meters 

Cash Out: Weighted Dips - 10x2 @ 106#

Thursday, March 19, 2015

6 Sets of 6 - SGHP, BTNSGPP & Dips...

Snatch Grip High Pull - 6x6 (115)

BTNSG Push Press - 6x6 (115)

Weighted Dips - 6x6 (70)

The high pull hits your mid-back, rhomboids, and rear delts. And nothing will build boulder traps like high pulls! As a bonus, the high pull will hit the whole posterior chain: hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. - T Nation

Monday, March 16, 2015

Pendlay Row & Weighted Dips...

Weighted Dips (53) - 4x12
Pendlay Row (195) - 4x12

Cash Out:  50 Close Grip KB Push Ups. Focus on the negative. 2-1 tempo. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Peary Rader Clean & Jerk Program - Week 6...

Warm-up sets:

2x10x140lbs with two-minute breaks in between each set.

Work set #1 1x12x190lbs
Work set #2 1x12x170lbs
Work set #3 1x20x140lbs 

* Set of 12 - 35lb KB Pull Overs - In between each set 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Snatch Grip Deadlift - 3x12...

SG Deadlift - 185# - 3x12 - 36 reps
Strict Press - 120# - 3x8 - 24 reps
BTN Snatch Grip PP - 95# - 3x8 - 24 reps 
KB Pull Over - 53# - 3x12 - 36 reps

Friday, March 13, 2015

2K row for time with death by Ring Push Up...

2K row for time with death by Ring Push Up EMOM (1 push up on the 1st minute, 2 on the second, etc until the 2K is done or you can't finish that minutes push ups in the prescribed minute)

13:42 Rx  (plus 13 rounds of ring push ups - 91 reps) 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Pendlay Rows, Dips & 1K Row/Death by Burpee Combo...

Weighted Dips (46.5) - 4x12
Pendlay Row (185) - 4x12

Cash Out:  1K row for time with death by Burpee EMOM (1 burpee on the 1st minute, 2 on the second, etc until the 2K is done or you can't finish that minutes Burpees in the prescribed minute)

6:40 (21 Burpees) 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

17 consecutive strict pull ups...

17 consecutive strict pull ups. Goal is 20+. Pretty happy after completely tearing my pec 8 months ago! I was 46 in February. Never felt better. Dr. Sean Rockett for the WIN!

Peary Rader Clean & Jerk Program - Week 5...

Warm-up sets:

2x10x135lbs with two-minute breaks in between each set.

Work set #1 1x12x185lbs
Work set #2 1x12x165lbs
Work set #3 1x20x135lbs 

* Set of 12 - 35lb KB Pull Overs - In between each set 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Snatch Grip Deadlift - 4x12...

SG Deadlift - 175# - 4x12 - 48 reps
Strict Press - 115# - 3x10 - 30 reps
KB Pull Over - 70# - 3x12 - 36 reps

Friday, March 6, 2015

2K row for time with death by Burpee EMOM...

2K row for time with death by Burpee EMOM (1 burpee on the 1st minute, 2 on the second, etc until the 2K is done or you can't finish that minutes Burpees in the prescribed munute)

1321M + 12 rounds & 11 reps (89 Burpees) 

PR of 101 meters and 1 burpee!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Pendlay Rows, Dips & 2K Row/Death by Burpee Combo...

Weighted Dips (44) - 4x12
Pendlay Row (175) - 4x12

Cash Out:  2K row for time with death by Burpee EMOM (1 burpee on the 1st minute, 2 on the second, etc until the 2K is done or you can't finish that minutes Burpees in the prescribed munute)

1220M + 12 rounds & 10 reps (88 Burpees) 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Peary Rader Clean & Jerk Program - Week 4...

Warm-up sets:

2x10x130 with two-minute breaks in between each set.

Work set #1 1x12x180lbs
Work set #2 1x12x160lbs
Work set #3 1x20x130lbs 

* Set of 12 - 44lb KB Pull Overs - In between each set