Saturday, January 26, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs... (Plus I got an Iron Cross!)

Got one Iron Cross!

30 DB Squat Cleans - 35lbs
30 Burpees 

Finished with: Wide Grip Wheel Snatch-Grip DL - 8x8 @ 225lbs

Went heavier and wider than usual to stress my upper back and traps. Used the wheels to start at a more advantageous position so I could complete all 64 reps. That sucked. Especially after that quick dumbbell squat clean/burpee metcon. 

Strength and conditioning expert Charles Poloquin as he talked about his #1 exercise in an interview a couple years back:

"The snatch-grip deadlift, specifically a snatch deadlift on a four inch platform. The idea here is to get a large range of motion by standing on the platformand using the wide grip.

If you told me you were going to jail and only had a barbell and didn’t want to get raped in the showers and could only do one exercise to put mass and strength on, then I’d tell you to do the snatch deadlift on a platform.

This exercise alone makes people gain weight like crazy. Any time I have someone who needs to gain weight fast and doesn’t have a whole lot of time, I have them do snatch deadlifts. And with the snatch grip deadlift, straps are okay because you’ll be doing reps above three, but don’t use them until you get to your working weight.

If you think about it, this is the opposite of the sumo deadlift, which shortens the range of motion. Likewise, some powerlifters will lift in ballet shoes to shorten the ROM. What we want to do here is lengthen it. The snatch grip and platform will take care of that".

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