Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Monday, February 25, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

LeverEdge Press - 190lbs

Cable Lateral Raise – 30lbs

Double Cable Bent-over Laterals - 30x4/20x4

Upright Row -  (Prime Handle) 130lbs

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...

LeverEdge Bench Press - 260lbs

Decline Neutral Push Up - 20lb vest

Hanging Ring Flyes - 4x8 - 20lb vest 

Rope Hammer Curls - 110lbs*

Zottman Curls - 25lbs


Finished my Chest/Arm workout with Barbell Curls 3x3 - 115lbs. Old school with the “Arm Blaster”! 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs...

Goblet Squats - 8x8 @ 75lbs then,

25 second goblet squat hold @ 100lbs into 3 reps with a 3 second pause at bottom. 

Cash Out: 20x30M Sprints 

Friday, February 22, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Switch Grip Pull Ups - 8x8* 

Double Kettlebell Highj Pull - 35lbs

Standing Cable Triceps Extensions - 90lbs

Dips - 8x8

Cash Put: Close Grip Push Ups - 3x8 - 45lbs 

*Switch-grip pull up: This pull up variation is very similar to clapping pull ups. But, instead of clapping in the air, you switch your grip. So, you start with an overhand grip, do an explosive pull up, release your hands near the top of the motion, put your hands back on the bar using an underhand grip, and then you lower yourself. Then you do an explosive chin up, release your hands, switch back to the overhand grip, and so on.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Half Body Weight Dumbbell Runs...

Dumbbell Runs @ half my body weight. 40lb dumbbells. #dodifferentshitgetdifferentresults #thegbox #justmove #kettlebellrob

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Gironda - Shoulders/Traps 8x8...

Reverse Incline Bench Side Laterals -15lbs

Chest Supported Rear Deltoid Raise - 25lbs

Barbell Face Pull - 40lbs

Barbell Hang Muscle Snatch  - 80lbs

Dumbbell Shrugs - 100lbs

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Back...

Gironda Dips

LeverEdge Bench Press - 250lbs

Low-to-High Cable - 40lbs

Rope Hammer Curls - 100lbs*

Zottman Curls - 25lbs


Finished my Chest/Arm workout with 3x5 of “cheat curls” @ 55lbs

Cheat Curl with Slow Eccentric

Cheat curls are one of the best ways to build biceps size and strength. The key is to not try to drum up business for struggling chiropractors everywhere by grossly hyperextending your low back at the end range of motion. 

Start the movement by flexing at the hips and using your glutes and hamstrings to get the movement started. Be sure to hold the contraction for a one count at the top and lower slowly, emphasizing the biceps by controlling the weight on the way down.

This eccentric stress will cause a lot of muscle growth since you'll be able to use considerably more weight than normal, thanks to the explosive hip extension used to get the movement started”. - T Nation #DumbbellCurls #CheatCurls #kettlebellrob

Monday, February 18, 2019

“Farmers Runs”...

Goblet Squats - 3x3 @ 125lbs then, 

Farmers runs - 17x 50M @ 160lbs

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs...

Jefferson Deadlifts - 8x8 @ 225lbs then,  3x5 @ 315lbs 

Dumbbell Glute-Ham Raise @ 20lbs*

*Mixed in some reps without weight and some prisoner GHD raises (Hands behind the head). 


Saturday, February 16, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

L-Sit Cannonball Pull Ups - 8x8 

Wide Grip Cable Rows - @ 120lbs

Standing Cable Triceps Extensions - 80lbs

LeverEdge Close Grip Bench - 190lbs

Cash Out: Close Grip Push Ups - 4 reps with 100lb plate 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

Muscle Hang Snatches - 10x5 @ 75lbs*

Bar Muscle Ups - 10x2*


DB Bent-Over Laterals - 8x8 @20lbs

Overhead Cable Raises - 8x8 @ 50lbs

Cable Shrugs - 8x8 @ 200lbs

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Chest/Biceps...

LeverEdge Bench Press - 240lbs

Dumbbell Floor Press - 75lbs

Gironda Hanging Ring Flyes - 4x8 

Strait Barbell Drag Curls - 4x8 @ 50lbs*

Rope Hammer Curls - 4x8 @ 100lbs*


Cash Out: Zottman Curls - 3x15 @ 15lbs

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs...

Deadlift Split Squats - 8x8 @ 135lbs 

Walking Lunge - 100 steps @ 20lb vest 

Cash Out: 3 second Iron Cross Hold

Saturday, February 9, 2019

“Bar Muscle Up Nate''...

For Time...

Total Reps: AMRAP 20

2 Bar Muscle-ups

4 Strict Handstand Push-ups

8 Russian Kettlebell Swings (70)

12 rounds plus 3

RIP Chief Petty Officer Nate

In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4th

during combat operations in Iraq while trying to drag friend and fellow Navy Seal Mike Koch to safety. Both Nate and Mike were killed and are buried next to each other at Arlington National Cemetery. Nate was born at Falmouth Hospital and later move to Durham, New Hampshire. 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps

L-Sit Pull Ups - 8x8 

Suicide Rows - 8x8 @ 95lbs

Dead-Stop Seated Triceps Extensions 8x8 @ 50lbs *

Dips 8x8*


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

Cable Bent-Over Laterals - 40lbs

Wide Grip Cable Upright Row - 40lbs 

Delt Sweeps - 8x8 @ 35/45lbs

Cash Out: Seated DB Snatches - 8x8 @ 20lbs

Monday, February 4, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...

Max Rep Bench Press @ 185lbs: 15-12-7-7-10-51 reps

Decline Ring Flyes 8x8 

Barbell Drag Curls - 60lbs superset with 

Zottman Curls - 25lbs

Finished my chest & bicep workout with two pegboard climbs. Did 5 pull ups at the top. Crazy difficult.  According to a recent study I read they determined that one pegboard ascent equals 25 strict pull-ups

Saturday, February 2, 2019

“Bobby Maximus”..

20 rounds of:

5 pull ups

8 push ups

5 pull ups

7 dips


200 pulls ups

160 push ups

140 dips

500 total reps 


Friday, February 1, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs ..

Dumbbell Squat Cleans - 35lbs
Cable Goblet Squat - 52.5lbs 

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt