Friday, February 22, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Switch Grip Pull Ups - 8x8* 

Double Kettlebell Highj Pull - 35lbs

Standing Cable Triceps Extensions - 90lbs

Dips - 8x8

Cash Put: Close Grip Push Ups - 3x8 - 45lbs 

*Switch-grip pull up: This pull up variation is very similar to clapping pull ups. But, instead of clapping in the air, you switch your grip. So, you start with an overhand grip, do an explosive pull up, release your hands near the top of the motion, put your hands back on the bar using an underhand grip, and then you lower yourself. Then you do an explosive chin up, release your hands, switch back to the overhand grip, and so on.

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