Friday, June 28, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...

AM: Metfit
Incline Dumbbell Press - 60lbs*
LeverEdge Bench - 220lbs*

High Cable Fly - 50lbs

Arm Blaster Rope Hammer Curl - 80lbs*
Fat Bar Chin Ups*
*Rested 15-30 seconds in between sets. 

Cash Out: 
“Back Off Chin Ups”
Then, max reps as BW - 5 

PM: Driveway

Kettlebell Squat Curls - 8x8 @ 70lbs

Performing kettlebells curls while holding an eccentric isometric squat position produces incredible levels of tension in the biceps particularly in the top contracted position of the curl.  Rather than leaning back at the top of the movement (a common tendency to subconsciously release tension from the biceps), the squat position forces the lifter to stay slightly leaned over.  This slightly angled position combined with the hanging nature of the kettlebells provides continuous levels of significant tension throughout the movement thereby creating occlusion and cellular swelling of the biceps. 

In addition the rigid squat position leaves little to no room for cheating or using momentum to help lift the weight.  This forces the lifter to rely solely on smooth yet forceful contractions of the biceps to complete the movement. The resulting levels of intramuscular tension and metabolic stress turn this simple squat and curl motion into an incredibly potent stimulus for eliciting growth in the arms. 

As an added bonus the this movement does wonders for enhancing lower body mobility, hip mechanics, and squatting technique as the lifter will be required to spread the knees and unlock the hips order to fit the kettlebells between their legs.

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