Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Kettlebell Hack Squats...

Kettlebell Hack Squats - 8x8 @ 26lbs then, 35x5, 53x3 @ 70x1 (very wobbly on the ascent). 

“Do a hack squat with your feet pretty close together and coming up on your toes. Let the knees track out over the toes. Hold a kb behind you. Important points: open up the joints, “pull the hip out of the socket”, instead of going down, think of pulling your hips out of the sockets while you pull yourself down into a squat. Let your chest open and pull your shoulders back to let the kb open up your chest a bit. When you can sit on your heels in the bottom, pretend there’s a cable attached to your belly button tilting your pelvis, let this pretend cable pull your hips even further open by tilting the pelvis up”.  — Steve Shafley

“The Hack SQ, unlike a poor technique SQ with the knees forward, is a leverage drill which means it forces you to use minimal weight. E.g., generally you have to SQ over 300 to Hack a 32kg bell. Which is why it is not hard on a healthy knee. By the same token, the volume is low and we do not have the repetitive wear and tear”. — Pavel Tsatsouline

“The Hack differs from the Hindu Squat in that it lacks momentum or bounce. In fact, the secret to doing safe Hack Squats is maintaining high-tension in the feet, calves, hamstrings, glutes and thighs for the duration–do NOT relax at the bottom, but actually attempt to press the calves hard against the hamstrings. This high-tension effort will pay off richly with rock-solid stability at the bottom, plus great conditioning in the feet, ankles and calves”. —— Steve Maxwell

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