Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

AM: Metfit
DB Bent-over Laterals - 25lbs
Incline Seal Row - 35lbs

Wide Grip Cable Upright Row - 100lbs

Cash Out: 
DB Farmers Walks - 4x250lbs (both) & 4x125lbs (single)

PM: Garage

One-arm Kettlebell Press 

3x3 @ 70lbs

3x5 @ 53lbs

In the modern fitness world you’d be forgiven for thinking the only type of press that mattered is the bench press. But until about 1920 benches didn’t even exist. So how did the early fathers of strength - men like Sandow, Hackenschmidt, and Saxon - build such impressive upper bodies? 

The answer is from various other forms of pressing. Pavel Tsatsouline wrote in Enter the Kettlebell that, “…if you work your overhead presses hard, you will hardly need to do anything else for your upper body.” Looking at the herculean torsos and shoulders of the strongmen of yesteryear it would seem to be correct.

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