Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps...

Cable Lateral Raise - 40lbs

Cable Bent-over Lateral Raise - 40lbs

Prime Handle Upright Row - 140lbs*

Cash Out: LeverEdge Shrugs - 4x8 @ 450lbs then max reps of Strict Deficit HSPUs - got ten!

 Have no idea the last time I even attempted HSPUs. 

Friday, August 30, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Biceps/Triceps...

Rope Hammer Curl - 120lbs*

Chain Curls - 35lbs*


Rope Push Down - 120lbs*

LeverEdge Close BP - 200lbs*


Cash Out:

KB Reverse Curl (53) into Double KB Curl (44) 

  • 3x5 of each. 

*Last set of curls: 44x5, then two handed curls @ 44x5, 35x5, 26x5

PM: Garage

Kettlebell Hammer Curl  - 53lbs - 8x8

Kettlebell PJR Pullover - 53lbs - 8x8


Thursday, August 29, 2019


4 rounds of 

Run 800 meters

40 Pull-ups (Mixed Strict & Cannonball)

70 Push-ups

1:06 ish

Do ALL pull ups then ALL push ups.

*160 Strict Pull Ups are no joke! 

U.S. Army Master Sergeant Jared N. Van Aalst, 34, of Laconia, New Hampshire, assigned to the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died August 4, 2010, in Kunduz province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered while his unit was conducting combat operations. He is survived by his wife, Katie Van Aalst, his daughters Kaylie and Ava, and a posthumous son, Hugh Jared. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Russian Kettlebell Swings OTM

0:00 to 5:00 - 20 per minute (100)

5:00 to 35:00 - 10 per minute (200)

35:00 to 40:00 - 20 per minute 

500 total 

Finished with: Max Reps - Goblet Squats @ 100lbs

It wasn’t pretty - but I got 13 Goblet Squats with the 100lb bell. Previous best was 12 reps @ 97lbs. My grip strength is definitely a limiting factor. This was after 500 kettlebell swings! 

Monday, August 26, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Cannonball Pull Ups - 8x8  

LeverEdge Row - 8x8 @ 110lbs

Cable Push Down - 130lbs*

LeverEdge Close BP - 190lbs*


Cash Out:

Kettlebell Triceps Extension 4x8 @ 53lbs then 1x8 @ 70lbs

Cannon Ball Pull Ups: “Using the cannonballs is exactly what makes this pull-up variation a beast.  By holding a  ball in each hand, you’ll have to keep your wrist flexed the entire time.  The tension created in the wrists and into the forearms helps develop serious pulling strength.

You’ll instantly notice the tension created in your hands is carried across your arms into your upper back.  You’ll create much more stability and contraction throughout the movement”. - Muscle & Fitness 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...

Incline Dumbbell Press - 70lbs*

LeverEdge Bench - 235lbs*


Hanging Ring Flyes - 3x8 @ 32lb chains 

Rope Hammer Curl - 120lbs*

Chain Curls - 32lbs


Tried to keep rest @ 15-30 seconds 

Cash Out:

Standing Double Kettlebell Curl - 4x8 @ 35lbs

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps...

Standing Cable Shoulder Press - 100lbs

Cable Bent-over Lateral Raise - 30lbs

Prime Handle Upright Row - 140lbs

Cash Out: Double Kettlebell Hang Clean & Press 

2x8 @ 35lbs

1x8 @ 44lbs

Friday, August 23, 2019

“Strict Goblet Squat Murph”

For time:

1 mile Run

100 Strict Pull ups 

200 Push ups

300 Goblet Squats (26)

1 mile Run


Did 20 sets of 5-10-15. ALL SETS UNBROKEN! 

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps...

AM: Driveway 

Double Alrernating Kettlebell Hang Clean - 3x8 @ 53lbs

One-arm Kettlebell Clean - 3x3 @ 97lbs

PM: Metfit

DB Bent-over Laterals - 8x8 @ 30lbs

Incline Seal Row - 8x8 @ 40lbs 


Seated Snatches - 3x8 @ 35lbs

A-Saw Press - 3x8 @ 44lbs


Cash Out: Double KB Upright Row - 3x8 @ 44lbs

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Weighted Pull Ups - 8x8 @ 25lbs

Kettlebell High Pull - 8x8 @ 44lbs

Cable Push Down - 120lbs*

LeverEdge Close BP - 180lbs*


Cash Out: LeverEdge Close BP - 270x1, 360x1, 410x1

PM: Driveway


Three Sets (each arm)

Kettlebell Row Drop Sets:

5x97lbs - 5x70lbs - 5x53lbs 

1100lbs each arm each round ————————————————————————

Finished with 3x5 - Close Grip KB Push Ups —————————————————————————

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs...

AM: Metfit 

Machine Hack Squats - 8x8 - 180lbs then, 270x3, 360x3, 450x3

Standing Leg Curls - 5x8 - 10lbs

Cash Out: Double KB Front Squats - 3x5 - 53lbs (3 second pause at bottom)

PM: Driveway

Max Rep of Goblet Squats @ 97lbs. ————————————————————————Goal was double digits: TEN. Got TWELVE! Need to get to twenty. That fucker gets heavy! 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...

AM: Metfit 

Incline Dumbbell Press - 70lbs*

LeverEdge Bench - 235lbs*


Incline Clap Push Ups - 3x8

Rope Hammer Curl - 120lbs*

Standing Two Hand Kettlebell Curls - 70lbs*


PM: Driveway

Kettlebell Triple Chest Press - 3x5 @ 53lbs - 45 total reps 

Kettlebell Bottoms Up Curl - 6x8 @ 53lbs - 48 total reps* 

*This works forearm la and grip strength too. L. (Almost like a reverse curl). You really need to focus on gripping the handle right so the kettlebell doesn’t drop. 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Dumbbell Farmers Carries...

20x30M @ 150lbs (75lbs in each hand)

Finished with:

Iron Cross practice: Two attempts. I need to work on keeping my arms completely straight. It seems like it’s getting more difficult. Defiantly not easier. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps...

DB Bent-over Laterals - 8x8 @ 30lbs

Incline Seal Row - 8x8 @ 40lbs 


Seated Snatches - 8x8 @ 30lbs

Light up your traps and delts with this simplified variation of the barbell snatch.

“The barbell snatch is complex, and something that's difficult to master even with a coach. Simplifying this movement by eliminating the involvement of the ankle, knee, and hip joint by using dumbbells and taking a seat is great for lifters looking for some size and conditioning.

The best part about them, unlike barbell snatches, is that they make you responsible for your negative reps. That forces you to be much more honest with the weight you choose, especially when doing sets of 6 or 8 reps. Moreover, similar to a Z press, this movement will quickly expose mobility issues since your seated position has no backrest.

If you can't hold the weight directly overhead with an upright torso, it's time to improve your shoulder mobility and the health of your thoracic spine. To say this focuses on just the front, mid, or rear delts would be selling it short because it tackles all three, depending on the phase of the lift.

As a bonus, you'll also light up your traps. In the video, I'm using 30-pound dumbbells, and that's more than enough to do the trick, especially if fatigued from base shoulder movements. Based on their explosive nature, however, keep these closer to the beginning of shoulder workouts”. - Lee Boyce, T Nation 

Cash Out: 

Overhead Plate Raises - 8x8 @ 35lbs

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Wide Strict 4-Count Pull Ups 

Cable Rope Horizontal Row - 100lbs

PJR Pullover - 70lbs*

Barbell Close Grip BP - 155lbs*


Cash Out: 

Reverse-grip Rows - 5x5 @ 225lbs

“Reverse-grip rows better targets those stubborn lower lats. And because your hands are supinated, you’re automatically stronger because of the mechanical advantage and biceps involvement”. - Muscle & Performance 

Max Dips - 30! Very happy after all that work! 

Monday, August 12, 2019

“DB Farmers Runs” & Goblet Squats...

“DB Farmers Runs” - 100lbs x 20 ————————————————————————
“Tapping into the right movement can radically change your body.

Find that missing ingredient and you'll build more muscle faster, drop fat quicker, and kick any ass on any field of play. And I'm going to tell you what that missing ingredient is for most weight-trained men. Ready?

It's the loaded carry.
The loaded carry does more to expand athletic qualities than any other single thing I've attempted in my career as a coach and athlete. And I do not say that lightly. 

Get back to me after doing these for three weeks. Obviously, your grip will be better. Your legs will be stronger. You'll discover that the weight room isn't that tough any more. You'll look leaner, but be bigger. Now get to work”. - Dan John 

PM: Driveway

Goblet Squat - 5x5 @ 97lbs.

My legs and mobility feel great doing these. The limiting factor is actually my arms/hands. My biceps were smoked after 25 reps. Find the heaviest bell fan can and give them a try

“DB Farmers Runs”...

“DB Farmers Runs” - 100lbs x 20

“Tapping into the right movement can radically change your body.

Find that missing ingredient and you'll build more muscle faster, drop fat quicker, and kick any ass on any field of play. And I'm going to tell you what that missing ingredient is for most weight-trained men. Ready?

It's the loaded carry.

The loaded carry does more to expand athletic qualities than any other single thing I've attempted in my career as a coach and athlete. And I do not say that lightly”. - Dan John 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

7x8 - Chest/Biceps...

AM: Metfit 

Incline Dumbbell Press - 70lbs*

LeverEdge Bench - 235lbs*


Hanging Ring Fly - 3x8

Dead Stop KB Snatches - 1x5 each arm @ 70lbs

Rope Hammer Curl - 120lbs*

Standing Two Hand Kettlebell Curls - 70lbs*


Cash Out: Hanging Ring Fly - 3x8 then, 1x16

PM: Garage

Kettlebell Squat Curls - 3x5 @ 97lbs

Kettlebell Chest Press - 3x5 @ 70lbs

Kettlebell Hammer Curl. 3x5 @ 53lbs

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

DB Bent-over Laterals - 30lbs

Incline Seal Row - 40lbs then, 3x3 @ 75lbs


Prime Handle Upright Row - 120lbs

Cash Out: Upside Down KB Lateral Raises - 4x8 - 26lbs

LeverEdge Press - Max reps @ 270lbs - got 13! 

Friday, August 9, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs (Hack Squats)...

Hack Squats - 195* - 8x8 

Snatch Grip Romanian DLs* - 8x8 @ 195lbs*


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Gironda Sternum Chin Ups - 8-8-8-8-8-

V-Handle Pulldowns - 130lbs then, 2x5@180

PJR Pullover - 65lbs

LeverEdge Close BP - 180lbs*


Cash Out: 

Lat Pullover - 3x8 @ 65lbs  

Max Dips @ 90lbs - got FOURTEEN! Would have been a PR of 1 rep but more than a few rows were too shallow. Next time! Did it at the end. I was smoked. 

Gironda Sternum Chin-up

  1. Right as you begin the pull, tip your head back and try to look behind you as if you were attempting to do a back flip.
  2. Continue looking back as you pull while keeping your chest elevated and your lower body still.
  3. Depending on the length of your arms, you should make contact with the bar anywhere between your lower chest and mid-abdomen.

If done correctly, the contraction you get in your upper back will be unparalleled and your lats will be on fire after just a few reps. This is an extremely advanced exercise, so make sure you've mastered other easier variations first before trying it. -T Nation

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

6x8 - Chest/Biceps...

Incline Dumbbell Press - 70lbs*

LeverEdge Bench - 235lbs*


The Around The World Fly- 3x8 @ 20lbs

Rope Hammer Curl - 100lbs

Standing Two Hand Kettlebell Curls - 60lbs*


Cash Out: One Pegboard ascent with 10 pull-ups at top. Crazy difficult. According to a recent study I just read: “the Peg Board ascent was heavily dominated by the lats, biceps, and pecs”. My biceps and pecs were already smoked before doing this. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Trap Bar Deadlifts...

AM: Metfit
  • Trap Bar DLs  - 330lbs @ 3-1-1-1 tempo 

Finished with:  Seated Calf Raises - 4x8 - 160lbs, 4x8 - 110lbs

Slow Down Your Tempo
Your body doesn't know the number of reps you're doing or the weight on the bar. It only knows the tension it must create to overcome a load, and the time that tension takes.
In other words, if your goal is to build muscle you should stop obsessing over the weight on the bar and instead focus on the contraction of each muscle.

Slowing down your lifting tempo allows you to both improve your mind-muscle connection and increase your time under tension, a key component to increasing metabolic-stress driven hypertrophy.

Try a 3111 tempo
  • The first "3" is the eccentric or negative.
  • The second number is the "bottom" of the rep. In this case, take a one second pause.
  • The third number is the concentric or the "up" phase, so you should lift "up" in one second.
  • The final number is the end of the rep before beginning the next. In this case, a one second pause between each rep.
PM: Kettlebell Romanian Deadlifts - 8x8 @ 70lbs each (one 70 plus two 35’s)

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

KB Semi Bent-over Laterals - 35lbs 
Incline Seal Row - 35lbs
Kettlebell Z-Saw Press - 3x8 @ 35lbs

This is nothing more than a seated see-saw press in a straddle position, or what is known as a Z-press. But that alteration changes the lift dramatically.

Sure, it brings the wicked shoulder pump, but it also ties in more total upper body musculature than any press I’ve tried—even more than the standing see-saw press. All the postural muscles of the upper back light up, but so does the core. When those groups are both working hard, I know I’m doing something right. - Dragondoor RKC Blog 

Wide Grip Barbell/Unstable Kettlebell Upright Row - 3x8 @ 115lbs (45+35+35)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Ring Pull Ups*

Gorilla Rows - 53lbs*

PJR Pullover - 60lbs*

Ring Dips*


Cash Out: 

Lat Pullover - 3x8 @ 60lbs 

Close Grip Bench Press - Max reps @ 225lbs. Got two! Pumped after all that work. 

The Gorilla Row

1 Get your feet shoulder-width apart with two kettlebells between them. Hinge at the hip until you're able to grab the handles of the kettlebells. This should put you in a deadlift position.

2 Keep your knees out and sit back a little in order to engage the glutes and hams.

3 Row one of the kettlebells up towards your hips with a slight rotation in order to allow your elbows to come back farther. Keep a tight grip on the other kettlebell that's still stationary on the ground.

4 Return the kettlebell back to the ground and repeat on the other side. Keep your back flat and head neutral.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs...

Hack Squats - 175lbs* - 8x8 
Snatch Grip Romanian DLs* - 8x8 @ 175lbs*
Seated Calf Raises - 160lbs* - 8x8 
*Superset All 
Cash Out: 1 Leg RDL - 3x5 @ 53lbs

The Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift
Few movements can strengthen the lats, hips, hamstrings, and mind like snatch grip Romanian deadlifts. Great lifters, such as Dmitry Klokov, have been seen performing movements like the snatch grip Romanian deadlift to maximize strength development in later stages of progression.
The snatch grip Romanian deadlift is performed exactly like a standard Romanian deadlift, with the only exception in that the lifter assumes the standard snatch grip width on the barbell. For added difficulty, lifters could take an even wider (1-2 inches more) than normal grip, as I have done for both snatch and clean pulling variations to really increase back and hip strength. Weightlifting straps are optional, however I find that using them allows me to really emphasize back, hip, and hamstring strength as grip isn’t such a limiting factor. Some coaches and athletes may feel wrist straps are not necessary, but to each their own (all I know is performing sets at 140-180kg for 1-5 reps does nasty things to the hands).

The snatch grip Romanian deadlift stresses all the same muscle groups that a standard Romanian deadlift does, while also taking back (both width and thickness of the lats and traps) and grip strength to a whole new level.
Latissimus Dorsi (back)
Trapezius (traps)
Scapulae and Rhomboids
Erectors (lower back)
Gluteal Muscles
Forearms (grip)

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...


LeverEdge Bench - 235lbs

Hanging Ring Fly

Rope Hammer Curl - 90lbs*

Standing Two Hand Kettlebell Curls* - 53lbs


*Rested 15-30 seconds in between sets. 

Cash Out: Rotational DB Curls - 3x8 @ 35lbs


Figure 8/hold into a One Arm Kettlebell Bench Press - 4x8 @ 53lbs